This isn't a bug per-say, but something that doesn't really make any sense. I'm currently mainly farming just the 37600 Team instance and can't really say if this is applicable for others.
But the thing is, the team instance ONLY drop gold tools but still drops the uncommon (purple) five element stone.
For anyone who can farm this Team instance consistently, they will probably quickly run out of use for the purple element stone due to having full gold tools set, especially considering anyone with 37600 power is likely at or close to 85 and have farmed the previous TI 81 for quite a while and have already had mostly gold tools to start with.
As it stands, the drop is effectively just 5k coin which it can be sold for, which to be honest isn't bad considering how little other things sell for. But it really make very little sense to be there at all. This post was last edited by Tobei at 2017-1-7 21:20