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[ Lineup ] Kurotsuchi broken slow


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-04 03:59:30Show All PostsDescending Order
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Let's all be pissed about Tobi and ask for a nerf 10times a day guys!

The hate on Tobi was real, idc i don't use him. But let's talk about Kurotsuchi here. It's been a very long time since i've seen a ninja being so broken like her. Once you get in her slow state, you just CANT MOVE AT ALL.

I fought a lvl 79 with 28k bp and a *ty init. I still lost because despite me being lvl 85 with 35k bp and much higher init than that guy, i still couldn't move a single time before he ended his turn, and that ONLY because of Kurotsuchi slow??!!! I get this his spell and whatver, this is bull* in his highest state. So thank you guys for allowing such a big and *ed thing to happen. No joke, a lvl 70 could win against the first guy with that crap
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-04 22:36:53Show All Posts
ppl call me * and they answer by "sakura heals, wind dance", you guys clearly even fought against kurotsuchi you're slowed which means you can't move and by the time you c*e heals, your team is most likely dead or highly damaged.

"kill her turn1" you can't kill anyone turn1 unless you've spend a * ton of money, even the strongest can't do that in our serv so dunno what you're talking about mate.

"use your interrupt" yeah i missed it, i admit it, but that's not even the point, i'm talking in general. I don't find normal that a single ninja can just win you a game just by putting up a slow, that's all there is. Especially after 90% of the players complaining about tobi rofl
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