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[ Lineup ] Kurotsuchi broken slow


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On 2017-01-04 03:59:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Let's all be pissed about Tobi and ask for a nerf 10times a day guys!

The hate on Tobi was real, idc i don't use him. But let's talk about Kurotsuchi here. It's been a very long time since i've seen a ninja being so broken like her. Once you get in her slow state, you just CANT MOVE AT ALL.

I fought a lvl 79 with 28k bp and a *ty init. I still lost because despite me being lvl 85 with 35k bp and much higher init than that guy, i still couldn't move a single time before he ended his turn, and that ONLY because of Kurotsuchi slow??!!! I get this his spell and whatver, this is bull* in his highest state. So thank you guys for allowing such a big and *ed thing to happen. No joke, a lvl 70 could win against the first guy with that crap
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On 2017-01-04 04:46:52Show this Author Only
she is super annoying i agree, but keep in mind she doesnt have anything good other than the slow
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On 2017-01-04 04:48:30Show this Author Only
Every mystery has some counter. Think harder what you need in order to counter it ;)
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On 2017-01-04 05:20:49Show this Author Only
I'm curious about the team compo on both side. Given a 6 level/7k power difference, for the weaker team to be able to do any significant damage on just t1 and t2, which is usually when kurotsuchi guarantee the first move if even that, to lead to a victory is difficult. I can imagine a similar power match up, the 1-2 turn of going first might allow him to kill a char or two off and thus break your team, leading to win, but with that power difference and the chakra limit of t1/t2...

There aren't any high power player using her on my server, highest one is about the same as the one you describe while my power is similar to yours, I just face tank the damage on t1/t2 and steam roll him after. He can't even kill one of my char during t1/t2. No, I'm not earth, I'm wind and I'm not using shield of any sort.
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On 2017-01-04 06:07:27Show this Author Only

Phew, sorry sorry, I'm good now..

I'm gonna be completely honest with you. Sorry if I sound like an ass.
If you don't have some type of debuff clear or some type of round 1 cc, your team comp. isn't good.

And even if you don't have anything to get rid of the status, all your characters move after they're done. It's not like they're immobilized. That really should be enough to do some hefty damage to their team, especially if there is such a big power difference.

Maybe instead of crying about a nerf, you should think about how to counter such teams? Not a lot of people use Kurotsuchi because she's squishy as fk, and other than her cool new debuff, she has nothing else.

P.S i'm really enjoying the recent surge of "nerf ___" threads. Please keep them coming
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On 2017-01-04 07:04:48Show this Author Only
This is what happens when all they've relied to win was their power difference.
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On 2017-01-04 07:16:18Show this Author Only
1: You're level 83
2: He is level 80
3: There is a 5k power difference, which at the late stage of the game isn't huge.
4: His group is level 9, so he likely has his skills maxed, unlike a level 8 group.
5: Your own fault for not listening to advice that your group mates are giving you.
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On 2017-01-04 07:24:25Show this Author Only
Hahahahahahahaha I just hope this is troll thread. You can't be serious on this one :lol ;P
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On 2017-01-04 08:08:00Show this Author Only
I just fought with a difference of 10k power and i almost lost :'(
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On 2017-01-04 08:22:34Show this Author Only
She is not broken she is just good vs teams that are weak to debuffs, but she is pretty much hard countered by Root Of Warrior/Gakido/Tobi/Control characters early in move order and healers that heal more then 1 target, vs them she is a wasted ninja slot more or less.
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On 2017-01-04 09:08:10Show this Author Only
Five words: Wind Main, Dance of Impetus ;P
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On 2017-01-04 09:40:43Show this Author Only
Yesterday someone was posting about 10 puppet chiyo, and now it's kurotsuchi. i feel like people seems to rant and post to this thread to nerf someone down right after they got beaten -.-
This post was last edited by andywswift at 2017-1-4 09:42
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On 2017-01-04 09:46:09Show this Author Only
  • Maganaga On 2017-01-04 09:40:43
  • Yesterday someone was posting about 10 puppet chiyo, and now it's kurotsuchi. i feel like people seems to rant and post to this thread to nerf someone down right after they got beaten -.-
    This post was last edited by andywswift at 2017-1-4 09:42
Ya maybe next should be Chouji due he can atck all ninja @@
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On 2017-01-04 10:08:35Show this Author Only
Can people stop complaining about ninja's and just use their head for a moment? Every ninja has a counter or a solution. The only reason people are complaining is becasue they dont want to adapt to new ninjas or change their team.....Kurot just interupt her if u hate the slow so much, or go water and use the heal an remove it pretty simple.
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On 2017-01-04 11:11:30Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-04 09:08:10
  • Five words: Wind Main, Dance of Impetus ;P
Usually that doesn't really help, because if the slow is used right, by the time you can dance, the debuff is due to expire anyway. Prompt mystery is delayed just like everything else. This is due to the fact that you can't dance on turn 1.

A prompt cleanse on turn 1 would be different, because even if slow is cast late on turn 1 to avoid regular attack based cleanse, you can clean it off after before entering t2. and if it's cast early on t1, you can cleanse after they do their turn 1, which is usually nothing much considering they burned their chakra on the slow. And if they wait for t2, then they are stuck in a init race anyway, not that different from a regular round. prompt cleanse on turn 1 is rare thou, "best" one is regular sakura and she is... well.... Thou some char does carry a passive cleanse before every action AND a prompt t1 skill, so they can at least free up one char, thou not of your choice.

An active cc on turn 1 could also force them to use it early or be cc'ed and never get to use it, and that opens up the option of having your regular attack based cleanse to proc and remove it in t1, after they do their thing (which is, again, nothing much)

most heal/cleanse thou does not work by themselves, at least not sufficiently, only allowing one or two ninja to be cleansed in time if that, and you don't get to pick which.
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On 2017-01-04 11:18:23Show this Author Only
Yeah, why need to worry, now you c*e that useless sakura to counter kurotsuchi :))
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On 2017-01-04 11:49:36Show this Author Only
Default Sakura can clear the buff off your team. Turn 1 if you can stop it, just save sakura's heal and clear it off. Jikudo pain can clear it off 2 ninja every turn, sailor sakura can clear it off 1 per turn and the whole team with her mystery. Lightning main sword teams are immune it it completly
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On 2017-01-04 12:39:01Show this Author Only
it all depends on the situation and what comps you are using at that given fight.
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On 2017-01-04 12:58:39Show this Author Only
You're an AF :L Try using different talents, maybe? Plus the rest say she's squishy so uh, I don't know, kill her off first?
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On 2017-01-04 14:03:39Show this Author Only
Iruka or Shurado can interrupt her from using her skill
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