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[ Help ] Need help deciding which class to play?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 02:46:56Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi! I am planning on rolling a new class when a new server comes up and I have the money for a jonin but can't decide on which class to play as :/ so far I have been playing Scarlet blaze when I started playing on the server I am on the now and I played a little bit of breeze dancer but can't make my mind up on which one I want to play :/ I don't want to play the scarlet blaze again I want ot try something new
I hear people saying that breeze dancer is OP, but from when I played her a bit and saw her moves in the simulator I couldn't see what made her so great
I want to try the tank earth guy, but I heard he is supposed to be a tank but I couldn't see any abilties like hinata's higher defence when health is low or neji's taunt so what is going to stop an enemy from skipping him?

I like the look of the lightning guy, but doesn't he just fall off later? and It seems everyone goes him so most matches would be mirror matches

And finally I like the idea of the water girl, but is she a good healer? or is she better to be used as a damage dealer? and also aren't water types harder to come buy to make a team with?

could people who are more experienced help me out?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 06:15:32Show this Author Only
To start with DPS classes are the best who do most damage to 9 tails, Lightning/Fire/Wind, pick whichever one looks most interesting to you, in terms of power Lightning is probably strongest 1-60, it's the one people complain most about on new servers, then once all passives unlock they balance out. Earth and Water are great later on but they are the worst of the bunch at low level, better pick damage class and try them once you reach lvl 60.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 06:23:26Show this Author Only
Okay thanks for the help :) ! one of the issues I have with lightning is everyone says that basically every lightning user use main, guy, kakashi, and 3* sasuke is this true?

the idea of needing to use certain ninja's to be the best puts me off a bit, I like mixing and matching , or has lightning got a lot of other good combos too and the one mentioned prior is a common one?

and what about wind? what combo is good with them? Main + temari + kankuro + hinata?

thanks again!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 07:08:40Show this Author Only
Well early on you don't want to draw because later treasures are much better so you will end up using same easy to get ninjas as other people, but low levels go very fast. Once you get 60~ and have most purple pets and more ninja choices you can start making whatever teams you want.

Yeh those are all good early ninjas, and they are light so it's normal that they are popular in light teams, not all 3 together though lol, something like Hinata/Sasuke/Karin or Guy/Hinata/Sasuke are popular early light teams, also normal team 7 upgraded works pretty good for light, better then all other mains early on.

For wind Kankuro is very good, especially if you recharged for Gaara. Something like Kankuro/Gaara/Guy will one shot people lower power then you, and almost one shot people same power early on and then there is the usual empress team Karin/Hinata/Kurenai for mid game.
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On 2016-12-23 07:19:07Show this Author Only
I think starting with Midnight Blade, you can't go wrong with that, and later on if you want to change it, you can do so at any time.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 08:04:18Show this Author Only
thanks! :)
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