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[ Updates ] Server Maintenance Updates - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-22 07:47:38Show this Author Only
i think is gona be another * spending p2w player fak it is suposed be christmas santa always give us free gift snd yet gm/mods oasgames want us to spend a lot money for them faking greedy p2w always happy and f2p always get ignored,sad and cry coz not all of player is rich i bet lot f2p gona quit if mod deleted this post it mean my post is right lol coz is the fact......
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On 2016-12-22 07:50:24Show this Author Only
Guys let's be happy for brazil just look at those rewards
This post was last edited by DragonulRed at 2016-12-22 01:51
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On 2016-12-22 08:41:37Show this Author Only
I hope these events are worth doing this time.
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On 2016-12-22 08:53:58Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-22 07:47:38
  • i think is gona be another * spending p2w player fak it is suposed be christmas santa always give us free gift snd yet gm/mods oasgames want us to spend a lot money for them faking greedy p2w always happy and f2p always get ignored,sad and cry coz not all of player is rich i bet lot f2p gona quit if mod deleted this post it mean my post is right lol coz is the fact......
my main just have to move on bro...oas never cared about f2p players simply because they don't give money, p2w players will always be on top, this game is not a strategical game or whatever this game created a wallet war, if you want fairness, this is really not the game for you.
I myself for example i am a great strategyst, f2p player(only spent about 10$) and i've had my share of wins(i was 1st place at sage for more than 2 months) but people began heavy spending and now i can't beat a guy with 6-8k more power than me because he simply comboes and crits on 70-80% of the attack, not to mention his 14k hp ninjas...i myself also think about moving on since, let's say that i manage to fill that gap somehow(with strategy) the guy will just dump 400 more dollars into the game and i am back at square one, this game really gives no fighting chance to anyone with a small wallet
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On 2016-12-22 08:57:16Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-22 07:47:38
  • i think is gona be another * spending p2w player fak it is suposed be christmas santa always give us free gift snd yet gm/mods oasgames want us to spend a lot money for them faking greedy p2w always happy and f2p always get ignored,sad and cry coz not all of player is rich i bet lot f2p gona quit if mod deleted this post it mean my post is right lol coz is the fact......
Exactly how i feel, its christmas....Its 1 time a year event where people get gifts. The best thing they could do is to release a event with huge discounts, especially for christmas!! I dont care that new good kage ninjas would be in a event at full price...Thtas only good for people who have money, just think about it for a second....Event ninja's like sailor sakura go for at least 100$+ for 3 star, how much do u think say Mei is going to be?! As player i just want to be catared once to be honest. I really do think if there isnt good stuff for f2p players to get in these events for christmas alot of players will just quit give up. But the game owners dont care, its all about money. Ireally think this game wont last long if they can't even do 1 huge deal on the biggest holiday of the year! Like cmon! 1 time a year they cant say do a 50% discount on 2-3 ninjas? Even f2p players would wana spend on that and probly make much more money. If these events have no sort of discount and ninja's are full price they are shooting themself in the foot. Thats all
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On 2016-12-22 09:12:22Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 08:53:58
  • my main just have to move on bro...oas never cared about f2p players simply because they don't give money, p2w players will always be on top, this game is not a strategical game or whatever this game created a wallet war, if you want fairness, this is really not the game for you.
    I myself for example i am a great strategyst, f2p player(only spent about 10$) and i've had my share of wins(i was 1st place at sage for more than 2 months) but people began heavy spending and now i can't beat a guy with 6-8k more power than me because he simply comboes and crits on 70-80% of the attack, not to mention his 14k hp ninjas...i myself also think about moving on since, let's say that i manage to fill that gap somehow(with strategy) the guy will just dump 400 more dollars into the game and i am back at square one, this game really gives no fighting chance to anyone with a small wallet
And in a year or two things will even out. There are diminishing returns on all spends. Some of the strongest players will eventually be F2P players over the P2A players.
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On 2016-12-22 09:16:16Show this Author Only
  • nh111 On 2016-12-22 09:12:22
  • And in a year or two things will even out. There are diminishing returns on all spends. Some of the strongest players will eventually be F2P players over the P2A players.
The longest i played a game was 1 and a half year, and the game was Tera...Now i seriously doubt that i'm gonna be there when things even out, srsly now who will be still playing in 2 years??Maybe guys with internet explorer.
Besides that, they keep adding new things that help improve your power(i saw in germany) and i doubt that they will ever stop with that, so those diminishing returns you are talking about will happen, but also there will be new things to get power from, a never ending cycle!
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On 2016-12-22 09:42:42Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 09:16:16
  • The longest i played a game was 1 and a half year, and the game was Tera...Now i seriously doubt that i'm gonna be there when things even out, srsly now who will be still playing in 2 years??Maybe guys with internet explorer.
    Besides that, they keep adding new things that help improve your power(i saw in germany) and i doubt that they will ever stop with that, so those diminishing returns you are talking about will happen, but also there will be new things to get power from, a never ending cycle!
In the long run very few people will spend huge amounts of money, cuz u never know the day of tomorrow, i never spend a dime on this game, and i beat p2w players, i made top players sweat for their win...sure it will take a while to even things out like they are in CN servers, but once people stop spending huge amounts of cash, maybe western OASIS will give something to even out.
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On 2016-12-22 09:55:38Show this Author Only
we got a guy that spent 6000$ in a flash, like it was nothing...I stand no chance because of the economical situation in my country(romania) where as he's from sweden...
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On 2016-12-22 10:04:09Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 09:55:38
  • we got a guy that spent 6000$ in a flash, like it was nothing...I stand no chance because of the economical situation in my country(romania) where as he's from sweden...
Move to Sweden ? Last time i checked freedom of movement in the EU. Or like Get a job lots of options there , you dont have to spend lots little money can go a long way if you spend smart.
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On 2016-12-22 10:05:29Show this Author Only
yea man, great advice, move to sweden, get a job just so i can have a fighting chance in a game...really???
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On 2016-12-22 10:11:06Show this Author Only
MT is RIGHT on TIME on S26. thats great. .
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On 2016-12-22 10:13:25Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 10:05:29
  • yea man, great advice, move to sweden, get a job just so i can have a fighting chance in a game...really???
Well you said you were smart if you are so smart get a high paid job where you are , shouldnt be a problem for someone like you then to get lots of money where you are without going anywhere. I think the issue here is you want to have the pie and eat it . You dont want to donate to the game and yet you want to be able to beat the people that spend. Thats not how life in general works.
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On 2016-12-22 10:14:50Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 10:05:29
  • yea man, great advice, move to sweden, get a job just so i can have a fighting chance in a game...really???
A fighting chance in what? What are you even talking about?

Someone will ALWAYS be in front of you unless youre rank 1. The largest majority of players in this game never spend a dime, you have plenty of competition.

So can you explain, what exactly do you want?
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On 2016-12-22 10:27:47Show this Author Only
i want to have a fighting chance against anyone, no matter how rich they are, i want to have a fair fight, a clash of minds, a clash of creativity, not a clash of wallets.
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On 2016-12-22 10:28:02Show this Author Only
  • FG3000 On 2016-12-22 10:14:50
  • A fighting chance in what? What are you even talking about?

    Someone will ALWAYS be in front of you unless youre rank 1. The largest majority of players in this game never spend a dime, you have plenty of competition.

    So can you explain, what exactly do you want?
don't get b8ted, m8.

There's no need to reason with people that are already starting with an illogical argument...
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On 2016-12-22 10:28:33Show this Author Only
  • Isane On 2016-12-22 10:13:25
  • Well you said you were smart if you are so smart get a high paid job where you are , shouldnt be a problem for someone like you then to get lots of money where you are without going anywhere. I think the issue here is you want to have the pie and eat it . You dont want to donate to the game and yet you want to be able to beat the people that spend. Thats not how life in general works.
actually that's how life works, just not this game
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On 2016-12-22 10:29:19Show this Author Only
  • DraconusNex On 2016-12-22 10:28:02
  • don't get b8ted, m8.

    There's no need to reason with people that are already starting with an illogical argument...
may i ask what's illogical about my argument please?
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On 2016-12-22 10:31:08Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 10:28:33
  • actually that's how life works, just not this game
You clearly dont understand how this game or life in general works. Just like in real life there will always going to be someone smarter faster stronger richer than you. You need to either accept that people who donate will be stronger or move on if you are not willing to pay as well. All you doing now is whining how you cant beat someone who spend a lot of money well of course you cant if they care enough about the game to spend that much they should have an advantage. If you want to play a pure skill based game go play chess or something. This post was last edited by rus*** at 2016-12-22 10:32
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On 2016-12-22 10:33:17Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2016-12-22 10:29:19
  • may i ask what's illogical about my argument please?
Sorry, illogical isn't the right word. I think a lot of people share your sentiment. I apologize for that.

I meant naive. If you're playing a free game that isn't bombarding you with ads, there will always be a pay to win aspect to it. Complaining about it is a futile endeavor. Nothing is going to change.
Plus, they paid money and you didn't. They get an advantage for supporting the company.

Naruto Online isn't the first to adopt this style of game, and it won't be the last. At least this game still allows you to stay competitive in regards to your p2p peers, as long as they're not spending unreasonable amounts everyday. Not all browser games do that.
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