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[ Updates ] Server Maintenance Updates - Dec 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 15:28:03Show this Author Only
I find the phrase P2W to be offensive. It really isn't P2W it is P2A (Pay To Advance.) If players are willing to wait and play the game for 18-36 months they will pretty much be within the same level of power as those who paid. It is just most people don't want to wait 2 years. F2P eventually catches up. If the game was P2W then there would be no way other than paying for a F2P to EVER catch up (Ever is a long time)

I'm Personally withholding judgment on these events and want to get a feel for them. They could be excellent. It really is a bit of an unknown.
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On 2016-12-22 15:35:25Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2016-12-22 12:53:22
  • As usual, without fail, every thursday ahead of the event announcement, we get the same f2p whining. And as usual its the same argument, some f2p crying that he cant beat a p2p player.
    Hahaha... if u dont like it, quit, enough said. Go find a game that u can have an even footing on without spending money.

    Whining about things is easy to do but doesnt really solve anything. If u want to compete in this game then instead of whining and trying to get OAS to change their business model for u, why dont u improve urself irl to get more money and spend more. If thats not something u can or want to do then sorry, stop whining or accept the fact that someone who spends will always have an advantage over u.

    TLDR why has ur "strategic" mind not made u realise alrdy that this is a p2w game and that whining abt it wont change a thing, quit wasting ur energy
yeah i agree with u im f2p player gonna quit anyway just remember without f2p is hard to convoy plunder sage war etc might server be shut down

gm or mods ignore us anyways

faking spender p2w event IM GONNA QUIT
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On 2016-12-22 16:00:59Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-22 15:35:25
  • yeah i agree with u im f2p player gonna quit anyway just remember without f2p is hard to convoy plunder sage war etc might server be shut down

    gm or mods ignore us anyways

    faking spender p2w event IM GONNA QUIT
i have 4 f2p alts on my server, 2 of them was hero of the battlefield on autocombat. Learn to play. And stop whining, you dont spend thats fine, but dont expect to get everything for free. Their goal is to make profit. Do you go in restaurants and complain they dont give you everything for free?

And the dude who said its not fair if ppl can get tendo/hashirama much cheeper later? Really? Did anyone force you to get them for full price? Stop with this elitist bullcrap.
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On 2016-12-22 16:35:27Show this Author Only
oe lama oe
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On 2016-12-22 16:43:28Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-22 15:35:25
  • yeah i agree with u im f2p player gonna quit anyway just remember without f2p is hard to convoy plunder sage war etc might server be shut down

    gm or mods ignore us anyways

    faking spender p2w event IM GONNA QUIT

They will just do more merges.

If you don't have the patience to see how things will become then I'm not going to bother to try and convince you that things get better. You have made up your mind.

You aren't going to be able to get ALL the ninjas but you will be able to get most. Easily enough to be competitive. I just got punked hard by a poison tai team in the arena. That goes to show you things balance out eventually.

It won't get hard because they will do more merges. They will open more servers and more people to be "the best" and so when they merge they will be less likely to quit and the merges will continue. They will have a solid player base and really F2P will eventually catch up.

Stop judging the events before they have even come out yet. These could very well be good events for EVERYONE...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 16:51:02Show this Author Only
You started server maintenance early by 15 minutes and I don't think I completed my Group Instance in time. :funk::curse: Oh well...
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On 2016-12-22 17:08:53Show this Author Only
When do we have Ino swimsuit event? I want her to complete my fire team :lol
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On 2016-12-22 19:16:19Show this Author Only
The event is for both f2p and p2w but you know what *? THE PRICE
Every 3* rare ninja has been at 3-4k coupon for all the other time, except for sage naruto because he's meta and all rounded as *. Why the hell did they pushed mifune to 6k?
And if you think this is a F2P complain, they go f ur self cuz i am not f2p, and even kaizer who is a heavy spender complain about it.
Oashiet, can you just leave things normal and not screw things up? For example if danzo darui mei bee etc is normal price like e.v.e.r.y. o.t.h.e.r r.a.r.e then people will actually recharge more. But if somehow you put them like * 7k cp then screw u I'm not falling for that. Why dont you make it benefit both the player base and the company eh? :lol
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On 2016-12-22 19:17:36Show this Author Only
the events sadly are not fit for both f2p or p2w

* on * + * you get *
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On 2016-12-22 21:35:18Show this Author Only
  • gregnaar On 2016-12-22 16:00:59
  • i have 4 f2p alts on my server, 2 of them was hero of the battlefield on autocombat. Learn to play. And stop whining, you dont spend thats fine, but dont expect to get everything for free. Their goal is to make profit. Do you go in restaurants and complain they dont give you everything for free?

    And the dude who said its not fair if ppl can get tendo/hashirama much cheeper later? Really? Did anyone force you to get them for full price? Stop with this elitist bullcrap.
from what i saw on Oas games forum the other day, having alts is banable.
MOOOODDDDSSSS a ban over here please.
But srsly now, what the hell do you do with 4 fcking alts.
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On 2016-12-22 21:43:26Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2016-12-22 14:48:43
  • one thing i learned from browser games so far, they're not completely free, usually they have a paywall at some point...and dude Ogame i played, and it has a paywall.
Ogame has a paywall??? WHAT THE HELL???There was a guy on the server that when i attacked him, he spent 10.000$ to fast create some defence, i simply retreated and attacked him 2 weeks later destroying his fleet and making him quit the game...I really beg your pardon but that game has NOT any paywall
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