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[ Help ] How to spend money wisely


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-20 08:03:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi guys ive been playing for areound a week and i want to start over on a new server and buy around 6k ingots how should i spend them should i get jonin medal right away or just chunin please give some tips. Also how often do new servers start
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On 2016-12-20 08:42:26Show this Author Only
You don't waste your money here at all use it on a different game. Take it from someone who knows!
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On 2016-12-20 08:43:05Show this Author Only
Jonin medal is a must. Don't buy item straight away from the shop, like magatamas, refinement, etc, buy them from an event in which usually they have tons of discounts.
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On 2016-12-20 12:20:19Show this Author Only
If you want to spend wisely get the Jonin medal and the monthly card pack. Then you can just bank coupons every day until the lucky board comes around or another event that was an extremely high worth.
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On 2016-12-20 16:51:04Show this Author Only
  • Ilmryn On 2016-12-20 12:20:19
  • If you want to spend wisely get the Jonin medal and the monthly card pack. Then you can just bank coupons every day until the lucky board comes around or another event that was an extremely high worth.
This and this. If youre starting out, wait for the lucky board event - it has the best returns for investment in coupons wise. Most of the rewards are magatams from the lucky board, so u will be filled with level 4 magatamas and such. Sadly, lucky board does have diminishing returns as once u hit level 5 magatamas, as it is very hard to upgrade magatamas to 6.

After all magatamas are level 4-5, save up coupons and only spend on events. Neever directly buy things directly from the shop as events will always come along for a discounted price.
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On 2016-12-20 18:49:27Show this Author Only
Save your coupons, wait for events like Sage with 30-40% off refines/threads/mood scrolls, then further wait for a rebate event for another 10%+ in returns. You're looking at 40-50% off savings by planning ahead and your ableness to resist not using up your coupons till these events come around.

I'm sitting on a stock pile of coupons atm, waiting for a large discount event such a Sage, and I also stockpiled a ton of medium refines, and advance refines as well as medium threads waiting for a rebate event. It's tempting to use up these supplies to get a early start in the power gain but planning ahead, waiting is the wisest.

Unless we get some sort of new event, Dice has got to be the best power:ingot/coupon spent ratio. Next is prob lucky wheel, and as for the others like lucky stars or treasure chests, etc they're purely no power gain for ingots/coupons spent.

*source - S177 #1 power ranking, but not the heaviest spender
This post was last edited by ber*** at 2016-12-20 18:51
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