2016-12-20 12:20:19
If you want to spend wisely get the Jonin medal and the monthly card pack. Then you can just bank coupons every day until the lucky board comes around or another event that was an extremely high worth.
This and this. If youre starting out, wait for the lucky board event - it has the best returns for investment in coupons wise. Most of the rewards are magatams from the lucky board, so u will be filled with level 4 magatamas and such. Sadly, lucky board does have diminishing returns as once u hit level 5 magatamas, as it is very hard to upgrade magatamas to 6.
After all magatamas are level 4-5, save up coupons and only spend on events. Neever directly buy things directly from the shop as events will always come along for a discounted price.