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S16 Needs active players!


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On 2016-12-19 16:51:53Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Since i highly doubt we'll ever get a merge I'm trying to recruit people to our server. We're certainly not a new one so yes, players will be high levels but there are some low ones still. Im not even asking you join a particular group, just join any group really. We need players and more competition during GNWs since theres only 3 groups and the leaderboard is almost always the same during GNW
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-19 19:04:09Show this Author Only
Then why dont u join a new server ? but u ask ppl to join ur server when theres probably everyone lvl 80+
why would someone like to join ? LMAO the only way u getting players is if your server merges , i doubt someone would like to get shrekt on events and never have a chance on anything ..
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On 2016-12-19 19:13:07Show this Author Only
  • Rekkles On 2016-12-19 19:04:09
  • Then why dont u join a new server ? but u ask ppl to join ur server when theres probably everyone lvl 80+
    why would someone like to join ? LMAO the only way u getting players is if your server merges , i doubt someone would like to get shrekt on events and never have a chance on anything ..
We actually have a huge mix of player levels, not really as many 80s as you would think and the higher leveled players we do have help out the lowbies so they can get stronger anyways. And the whole "join a new server" is part of what caused the problem in the first place. At this point we're not too hopeful for a merge anytime soon because the devs are too concerned with opening new servers and end up giving the newer servers priority on merges. Thanks for the negativity though, that always helps everyone involved /s This post was last edited by cheese_crater at 2016-12-19 19:17
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On 2016-12-19 20:12:30Show this Author Only
How much can a high powered player help a weak one in this game? They can give all the advise they will but if your power is crap and you don't have the said ninjas (yet) to make a play style work then it's futile. And how is what he said negative? He just said it like it is. If you want to play with a diverse bunch of players that bad then join a more populated server. Or wait for server merges to grace you.
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On 2016-12-19 20:19:50Show this Author Only
  • Normandy On 2016-12-19 20:12:30
  • How much can a high powered player help a weak one in this game? They can give all the advise they will but if your power is crap and you don't have the said ninjas (yet) to make a play style work then it's futile. And how is what he said negative? He just said it like it is. If you want to play with a diverse bunch of players that bad then join a more populated server. Or wait for server merges to grace you.
Well i can carry just about any level through SA normal. And not just tactics, advice on how to power, tips on who ta go for in certain events. And i mean hey, ninja packs for new peeps seems ta help out and they seem happy. Regardless, if ya dont wanna join you c*ways just ohh idk not bother replying? I dont see how it affects you guys in any way if you dont plan to help so why reply? Have a nice day and have fun This post was last edited by cheese_crater at 2016-12-19 20:25
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On 2016-12-21 08:09:42Show this Author Only
I didnt want to sound like a d1ck but thats just how i think it is , good luck at finding new players i still doubt that someone would join a old server even tho u seem nice :)
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On 2016-12-21 09:35:57Show this Author Only
If you join S16, I'll give you all high fives :D
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On 2016-12-21 10:16:17Show this Author Only
What time zone is S16?
Whats power range of top 10?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 16:42:48Show this Author Only
This is quite a serious problem that most people don't realise or, don't bother to understand. Frankly, I dont think devs give it too much thought either.

People quit on a online game, All the time, in every game, just like people die on earth. This isn't a rocket science, but the problem with this game is barely any new player join in an old server.
Why should they, how should they?
Whenever a new player(let's assume that player is just a naruto anime fan and saw there is a mmo game on that and decided to try it out). That player will be redirected to the most recent servers, as recommended server by the system. Then how are the old server supposed to get new players? result - People will keep quitting, due to study, job or other reasons and barely any(if any) player will be there to fill their place. eventually player on that server will request for a merge and hopefully a mod will pick that server for a merge.. end of story..

Does it really solves the problem? I wish..

Want stats to back the above facts? Here, let's take a look at the threads posted here: ... 0480&extra=page%3D1

Dec 20th, server merge update - NY Server 91, 95 and 97.
Now, lets look the date those servers started:
Server 91 : 8 sep 2016 - ... viewthread&tid=3738
Server 95 : 10 sept 2016 - ... 871&extra=page%3D10
Server 97 : 12 sept 2016 - ... 016&extra=page%3D10

So, those servers were supposed to be filled in that short duration? ;P this is true for most server that are merging out there.

Sad part, Mods or someone from high wont bother to explain these things. Mods aren't allowed to share any info (I don't blame them, mods are just the messengers, doing their job).

Maybe, just maybe, if there were some encouraging rewards for joining old servers (Maybe coupons, extra exp or some other things), old servers would see some new players too, and maybe things will change a bit, even if a little.

Cheese_crater, I hope you get some players on your server. But the sad fact is, its very hard to get them this way. Cause most people who would read your post, are already a player in some server. Don't think they should have any reason to leave and and join s16. New players mostly dont use forum, and by the time they do, will already be attached to the server they started..

I'm not good as expressing my thoughts, but just tried as I could. Maybe someone will see from my point of view and think a bit on this subject.
Thanks for reading.

This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-12-21 14:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 16:44:58Show this Author Only
  • †Hashirama Senj On 2016-12-21 10:16:17
  • What time zone is S16?
    Whats power range of top 10?
LA timezone (PST) And the highest power is at 53404 while number 10 is at 34200
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 16:51:45Show this Author Only
  • Sourav On 2016-12-21 16:42:48
  • This is quite a serious problem that most people don't realise or, don't bother to understand. Frankly, I dont think devs give it too much thought either.

    People quit on a online game, All the time, in every game, just like people die on earth. This isn't a rocket science, but the problem with this game is barely any new player join in an old server.
    Why should they, how should they?
    Whenever a new player(let's assume that player is just a naruto anime fan and saw there is a mmo game on that and decided to try it out). That player will be redirected to the most recent servers, as recommended server by the system. Then how are the old server supposed to get new players? result - People will keep quitting, due to study, job or other reasons and barely any(if any) player will be there to fill their place. eventually player on that server will request for a merge and hopefully a mod will pick that server for a merge.. end of story..

    Does it really solves the problem? I wish..

    Want stats to back the above facts? Here, let's take a look at the threads posted here: ... 0480&extra=page%3D1

    Dec 20th, server merge update - NY Server 91, 95 and 97.
    Now, lets look the date those servers started:
    Server 91 : 8 sep 2016 - ... viewthread&tid=3738
    Server 95 : 10 sept 2016 - ... 871&extra=page%3D10
    Server 97 : 12 sept 2016 - ... 016&extra=page%3D10

    So, those servers were supposed to be filled in that short duration? ;P this is true for most server that are merging out there.

    Sad part, Mods or someone from high wont bother to explain these things. Mods aren't allowed to share any info (I don't blame them, mods are just the messengers, doing their job).

    Maybe, just maybe, if there were some encouraging rewards for joining old servers (Maybe coupons, extra exp or some other things), old servers would see some new players too, and maybe things will change a bit, even if a little.

    Cheese_crater, I hope you get some players on your server. But the sad fact is, its very hard to get them this way. Cause most people who would read your post, are already a player in some server. Don't think they should have any reason to leave and and join s16. New players mostly dont use forum, and by the time they do, will already be attached to the server they started..

    I'm not good as expressing my thoughts, but just tried as I could. Maybe someone will see from my point of view and think a bit on this subject.
    Thanks for reading.

    This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-12-21 14:05
I totally understand what you're saying. And it is tough, but i refuse ta give up on this server and the wonderful friends Ive made here. Since it doesnt seem like we'll be getting a merge any time soon its caused me to make my own attempts at recruiting. Its not easy but hopefully every little bit helps. Thanks for the feedback and info, was very insightful.
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