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[ Bugs ] TEST of earth main's SHIELD + MINATO/HIRUZEN featuring iruka xD


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On 2016-12-19 06:35:23Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2016-12-19 05:48:19
  • another test with minato + hiruzen + kurenai
    so according to description of her mystery she should give shield on 1 person based on her resistance....
    on pictures you can see her resistance is 4318
    she is in team with minato +40% resistance and hiruzen +40% resistanace.... she should give one
    ninja shield of value = 8463

    but result is 3022 !!!! just for info that number is from 4318 *1,4 / 2
    (her resistance multiplied only by one bonus 40% resistance and divided by 2)
    this gives absolutly no sense....
    bug for not getting 2x buff and then really bad description of mystery or bug in counting numbers or what ???

    please run a tests on your test server and repair these shield and resistance problems, ppl paid $$$ for these ninjas
    and they are not working properly. these are serious bugs and game mechanic problems.....
Kurenai always gave 50% of her resistance as shield, the only bug i see here is the resistance buffs aren't stacking, she is only getting 40% not 80%.
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On 2016-12-19 06:53:42Show All Posts
Also your earth main test looks fine, the only bug i see there is buffs not stacking again.

Earth main shield is 40% of his res and he has 6871 res by default so ;

Shield normaly should be 2748.
Shield with Steel Body (it gives 20% resistance) should be 3298, which is what you got, it didn't stack with Minato.
Shield with Minato but no Steel body should be 3847, with boulder jutsu it's halved to 1923.

Why it's halved? I don't know but it always was in all versions, i think they made that so they aren't invincible if they are left last in pvp, can you imagine earth shielding himself for 5k+ every turn and shield from Super Stone Fist Jutsu every other turn.
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On 2016-12-19 22:08:37Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2016-12-19 17:48:24
  • already talked to them, they confirmed all bugs I found, also it is nice that kurenai is giving only 50% but description of skill is "based on her own esistance = whole resistance not halve"

    pretty difference when you should have +80% resistance or +40% resistance, also earth main is not getting even 1 of that buffs...he is missing all resistance buffs
He is getting 20% buff from Steel Body and that stops Minato buff from working on him. If you do your test with Unyelding passive, you will see Minato buff work on him, he will get 3847 shield if you still have same resistance. All the numbers you got were normal. Only bug there is, 2 buffs to resistance don't stack.

For your tests you assumed Kurenai does 100% of resistance and Earth Main does 50% which is wrong, Kurenai does 50% and Earth main does 40%.
This post was last edited by Dym at 2016-12-19 22:10
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-20 04:56:22Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2016-12-20 02:26:49

  • you obviously have problems with reading, dont you ? I want them to repair description of skill or mechanics of skill.

    also that doesnt matter he gets 20% from steel body, he is not getting any buff from minato or hiruzen and thats a bugs in game, not talking about stacking both, he is not getting either minato's or hiruzen's 40% buff.

    This post was last edited by mad*** at 2016-12-20 02:28
Where does it say 100% in there? Almost all shields says they work on resistance, if they don't give you an amount don't just assume it's 100%. Enma has that exact line, he does 50% of res, Gaara also has that exact line and he does 20%.

And you literaly proved that Minato worked in your screen shots, with the boulder jutsu one.

6871 x 1.4 = 9619

9619 x 0.4 = 3847

Earth main is does 40% not 50% of his res as shield. And if earth main is under Boulder Jutsu from passive, he does half shield, you got 3846 in the end, off by 1. If you do that test but with Unyeild passive you will get 3847 and it shows that Minato works. Only the first resistance buff works, Minato will work with earth main if you aren't using Steel Body. This post was last edited by Dym at 2016-12-20 05:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-20 06:55:14Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-20 06:04:35
  • So is steel body bugged?
No, the only ''bug'' there is, is when more then one thing is buffing resistance only the first one works. And i say bug in brackets cause i suspect it's intentional, they don't want you to have more shield, earth main already gets nerfed in future , with 2.0 he makes less shields.
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