sup all
sooooo I was curious how minato and hiruzen can affect shield makers so I have made some tests today, results are interesting:
1st test: Earth main, Iruka and Minato
resist of iruka without minato's buff

5825 => 2912 shield to all konoha ninjas in team, well it is +/- like that

after minato's buff 40% it should be 8155 => he should make 4077p shield on all konoha ninjas in team

yep ! shield to all konoha ninjas is 4077 thanks to minato :victory:
2nd test: Earth main + Minato
earth main's resistance

he should make shield ba
se on his resistance, but it is for 2 targets so it will be 50% for each = 3435
now add there minato's buff 40% = 9619 resistance => 4809

:o huh ??? wtf ? first of all he has lower number than it should be and for second why is minato not boosting his resistance ???? animation clearly showed that he got resisst buff from minato before start of combat
ok lets try this passive on earth main =>

proc on earth main to make 2x shield

so he should make 2x shield and what happened in reality ? instead of seeing 2x 3405 = 6810 shield on both targets we see 1923*2 = 3846 shield. ?????? his didnt get 2x standard attack (shield) only animation, but his nubmers were divided lets say by 2 and then he goes 2x ???? really ?
not to mention we have minato in team and his buff clearly not working on earth mains resistance, but it is working on iruka ???
another test with mystery which granting 2x attack for whole team


earth main did properly 2x shield = 3298 (should be 3405) 2x = 6596 (that number 9896 -3298 coz shield was applied once more before mystery of earth main)
still no minato effect on shield
Would like to know your feedback on this and also explanation from moderators/ppl who are responsible testing chars why minato is not affecting earth main but ressistance buff is working on iruka,
thank you