2016-12-20 02:26:49

you obviously have problems with reading, dont you ? I want them to repair description of skill or mechanics of skill.
also that doesnt matter he gets 20% from steel body, he is not getting any buff from minato or hiruzen and thats a bugs in game, not talking about stacking both, he is not getting either minato's or hiruzen's 40% buff.
This post was last edited by mad***@gmail.com at 2016-12-20 02:28
Where does it say 100% in there? Almost all shields says they work on resistance, if they don't give you an amount don't just assume it's 100%. Enma has that exact line, he does 50% of res, Gaara also has that exact line and he does 20%.
And you literaly proved that Minato worked in your screen shots, with the boulder jutsu one.
6871 x 1.4 = 9619
9619 x 0.4 = 3847
Earth main is does 40% not 50% of his res as shield. And if earth main is under Boulder Jutsu from passive, he does half shield, you got 3846 in the end, off by 1. If you do that test but with Unyeild passive you will get 3847 and it shows that Minato works. Only the first resistance buff works, Minato will work with earth main if you aren't using Steel Body. This post was last edited by Dym at 2016-12-20 05:05