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2017-07-24 19:34:26
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2022-09-07 16:42:15
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2019-01-08 20:58:52
Server Merge Request - Week of January 1st
Server ID: S756 guidance, S766, S781 Server Region: UK Server Age: 1 year 2 months, server started 3rd october 2017 Time taken to kill World Boss: 10mins World Boss HP on Tuesday: 94.787.271 No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2, one barely makes it to it. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 180k AVG top 10: 149.7k AVG Top 20: 129.5k Thanks in advance. Additional information: this is from december, 1 month passed and i already quitted too, and that makes 5 out of the top11 (imagine the rest, there is literally 10 people playing). WE NEED A MERGE if u want people to come back, we have a bracket discord and a guild discord people still active there asking if there is a merge so pls.
2019-02-01 16:27:12
Server Merge Request - Week of December 3rd
Server ID: S756 guidance, S766, S781 Server Region: UK Server Age: 1 year 2 months, server started 3rd october 2017 Time taken to kill World Boss: 10mins World Boss HP on Tuesday: 94.787.271 No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2, one barely makes it to it. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 180k AVG top 10: 149.7k AVG Top 20: 129.5k Thanks in advance. Additional information: in the top 10, 3 already quitted this month, top 20 not sure but i haven't seen most online, top30 i lol, it's about 15-20 players kinda active, and i'm being very generous with numbers. Server is dead.
2019-01-04 17:43:28
Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November
1700? more like 3k LOL, but seeing from another point of view, you do get a lot of things, for sure both ninjas to start just this week and the SB for sasuke, and that's just first week. Even with that only able for a few, game gone WILD
2018-12-06 15:42:41
Gather here let us know each others WAY of NINJA!
A bit of sharkBomb cancer? pls summon: monkey summon mystery: pakkun Talents: 2-1-3-2-3
General Discussion
2018-11-22 16:08:51
New Event Cycle - October 11th
And what is different about what i said and what you just said? basically the same, which is diff from the first post you did.
2018-10-15 16:42:51
New Event Cycle - October 11th
i'm not saying it like its not a good choice, but its 5 months without buying any power at all. 5 months without actual big power "injections" (lets be real coupons are the best way for power) into the account, that might be now a thing with the new store who knows, i don't know about you but anytime i save for a month for a good event i see the difference between me and the rest so i can't imagine how could that gap be with 5 months saving, ofcourse results will be in obtaining good ninjas, and expending all those 20k into power but will that compensate for all the missing 5 months advance within be more competitive in events such as sage etc? idk. might be actually who knows, most people will say it is bcs of the ninjas, but meh i kill em minatos easy with a good position one, also if i remember well fuku doesn't always come with the option to redeem a ninja. i might actually give it a chance in a few months with this new store, you have opened my mind a bit with it.
2018-10-15 16:42:51
New Event Cycle - October 11th
Have to disagree with this, as a f2p myself and also on the top10 of my server i have to add a few things here: 1. to get to the fuku deals for 20k is literally a nono for any f2p out there, the 4k coupons that can be saved a month have to go to power in that months best event you can find, if you wait more you will be prob go down being competitive. 2. Being f2p in this game doesn't mean follow tier formations, you will never be able to have a top tier team as a f2p unless u are lucky with the wheels, focus in an stable formation is the way to go for a f2p that can stand against future tiers and actual ones. 3. Clothes for a f2p? like hell, those should only be bought when really need it, as the initiative ones are, the rest just try to get some frags around and in months they will be completed, but never get em when they come out. what is +150 nin gonna change your team in any particular case, yes more power! like dam that´s nothing in the long run. 4. There are more things to disagree just from what you have said, but im out of time, new updates is always cool, new ninjas always cool, new stuff is always a good thing because the game improves & to finish this, if you are a real f2p with experience you will know the stuff above, i'm 105k power btw so i do know my stuff.
2018-10-15 16:42:51
Final pulls on Great Plates
300 pulls (160 actual paying pulls) = I only counted Kushina frags, i had 3 and was able to recruit her for 1.6k coupons, also im finishing map 5 of oil which has being like 2k power, so def best event around. I did the pulls like 3-4 each day so thats prob why the big amount of frags per draws. Some DATA about event: If you did the 3.5k spins = 35k coupons/ingots but its worth much more. You get around 300 seals = already the 35k ingots covered + kushina to 4 stars, thats for sure 7k-8k + shisui recruited = 12k + Ay 4th raikage = 30k ingots at least + around 10k power with oil = for sure more than the 35k + some masked man (video i saw didnt get many mm but other have replied they recruited him instead of shisui so its another plus you can get) + med refines, around 250. All this equals to more than 100k ingots/coupons in return, i haven't found an event with this rate. (oh ya the video is from kaizer if you wanna search for it on youtube). amazing event.
General Discussion
2018-06-29 10:14:15
Hit through dodge
Thanks for that !
General Discussion
2018-06-17 21:45:23
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
You were seeing the game was gonna get flooded with Tobiramas at a good prize and suddenly there was a bug in the event. Nothing more to add, one more reason to keep my account free, and that makes it 6 months since i recharged, surprisingly my luck on rng has gone down waay 2 much, but thats another thing i hope its not because im not recharging (even the low amount i was at that point), and it's more bcs my luck *s. With that said, i keep my hopes on Oasis. Even if this has gone all wrong it might have just being a big bug, staff in this game belive it or not is much, much better than in any other browser game i have ever played and they do care about the community or at least it seems, most of his orders probably come from top bosses and the staff can't really do much, so hopes on you and continue the good work, but this things change a lot what would happend in the future. Luck to everyone accepted, you all should get what you paid for, with real money involved, and so many people involved, you can't just leave this as it was a bug (show them something more). If it was me i would prob ask a refund and you couldn't say nothing as i paid for something i didn't get (not even ban accounts), this is a shop after all, if you buy a t-shirt and don't get what u asked for it's the same thing .
2018-06-08 23:57:47