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[ Bugs ] Bug in Ao's bt


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  • Registered: 2021-05-27
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On 2023-05-18 20:23:39Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I was testing Ao's bt and noticed that Mizukage's bodyguard Y passive isn't working. There it says that kage or byakugan ninjas when using triggers gain chakra and receive an increase in ninjutsu when chasing, but it is not working. I did several tests and with several ninjas and I did not receive chakra or increase in ninjutsu (It does not even show the increase in ninjutsu above the ninja)

. The other passive that he makes the clones is almost useless, it says that when they die you gain critical and ninjutsu but the clones somehow have 1 life and I have not seen anything saying that they are like that and why. The other clone that has 80% life I tested and I couldn't reset the mystery of kage ninjas. Please report this to the developers. And if anyone manages to use the mechanics let me know.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-05-19 10:25:02Show this Author Only

We have reported this to the devs, but at this time we do not yet have a fix. Currently, the only two known ninjas working with this unit are NY Yagura and SS Gaara, if you'd like to experience his kit with working ninjas.
Thanks and have a great day!

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