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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 15th of December


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On 2022-12-15 09:01:41Show this Author Only
  • Ⲁἱɀеɳ  ͛ On 2022-12-15 06:34:18
  • Guys, do you know how many coupons you can guarantee the Wheel of Fortune jackpot? I know it's a roulette wheel and I can be unlucky enough to spend more than 20k and not get it, but is it possible to guarantee it with 10k? I'm thinking a lot about this pain and now I think I should take a risk

Spent 70k this lucky stars wheel with no Jackpot Shisui. So never guaranteed. If your luck is as bad as mine, AVOID

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On 2022-12-15 09:52:25Show this Author Only
  • olololl On 2022-12-15 01:40:09
  • Earth main is already good why do you want skill updates for him

Earth main is mediocre in the current meta. His main strong point is his shields, and shields are not that useful right now. Akatsuki Kakuzu is still pretty common and can just clear them, plus with stuff like irremovable ignition and poison, damage stacks up anyway. Right now, the only really decent thing in Earth main's skillset is the Attack reduction attackers suffer after his Deep Forest Wall mystery.

Cool...but, that attack stat drop doesn't even matter that much for ninjas who are more aligned towards ninjutsu damage, AKA most of the current meta: SOSP Naruto, Edo Madara and Final Battle Madara, Shisui Susanno'o and Shisui Kimono, Ashura, Gengetsu, combo Ginkaku and Kinkaku, Chinese style Sasuke, and AC Kakuzu all have a higher ninjutsu stat than attack stat. Other major ninjas (Obito Jinchuuriki, Madara Jinchuuriki, Pain Six Paths, Indra, NY Hashirama) have exactly balanced base atk and nin growth stats. The only currently meta ninja I can think of that would really suffer from Earth main's attack decease are Gate of Death Guy (and let's be real, you're gonna be blitzed before this matters), Zabuza Edo, and Itachi Chinese Style and Edo Itachi.

As things will be after this main skill update, I'd rank the mains like this in terms of their usefulness:

1) Fire main or water main (I personally think fire main has a ton of different utilities and I really value reflect. Being able to heal irremovable ignition and stay around thanks to dodge makes water main great too).

2) Wind main

3) Lightning main

4) Earth main

So yeah, based on this I really see no reason why Earth main's skills don't also deserve an update. I want a reason to play as a character other than fire main.

This post was last edited by Korren on 2022-12-15 10:17:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-12-15 15:22:20Show this Author Only
  • Ⲁἱɀеɳ  ͛ On 2022-12-15 08:20:36
  • WHAT? 70K no man, then you exaggerated. My server the whales always spend and take, about 700 points more. It's 14k

Not quite exaggerated, I've burned through 100k in both stars and wheel each and failed to get a jackpot (did it mostly for the meme and some bp grind)

Between them you have a fair chance at wheels 2nd prize... but stars is usually more useful... both are horrible events and should only be done for the meme with the expectation that you will get nothing of value from the event itself.

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On 2022-12-15 17:33:58Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-12-15 20:19:31Show this Author Only

Hello everyone i just would like to know if im really unlucky or not but i REFRESHED A LOT in capsule event but i cant see Pain-Tendo [Six-Paths Rinnegan]
I seen all other ninja in many combination but no tendo. Anyone can confirm?

  • Registered: 2019-02-28
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On 2022-12-15 21:00:31Show this Author Only

Add Jugo curse lvl 2 in events with frags!

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On 2022-12-16 05:45:05Show this Author Only
all I want for Christmas...


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On 2022-12-17 21:44:56Show this Author Only
  • Korren On 2022-12-15 09:52:25
  • Earth main is mediocre in the current meta. His main strong point is his shields, and shields are not that useful right now. Akatsuki Kakuzu is still pretty common and can just clear them, plus with stuff like irremovable ignition and poison, damage stacks up anyway. Right now, the only really decent thing in Earth main's skillset is the Attack reduction attackers suffer after his Deep Forest Wall mystery.

    Cool...but, that attack stat drop doesn't even matter that much for ninjas who are more aligned towards ninjutsu damage, AKA most of the current meta: SOSP Naruto, Edo Madara and Final Battle Madara, Shisui Susanno'o and Shisui Kimono, Ashura, Gengetsu, combo Ginkaku and Kinkaku, Chinese style Sasuke, and AC Kakuzu all have a higher ninjutsu stat than attack stat. Other major ninjas (Obito Jinchuuriki, Madara Jinchuuriki, Pain Six Paths, Indra, NY Hashirama) have exactly balanced base atk and nin growth stats. The only currently meta ninja I can think of that would really suffer from Earth main's attack decease are Gate of Death Guy (and let's be real, you're gonna be blitzed before this matters), Zabuza Edo, and Itachi Chinese Style and Edo Itachi.

    As things will be after this main skill update, I'd rank the mains like this in terms of their usefulness:

    1) Fire main or water main (I personally think fire main has a ton of different utilities and I really value reflect. Being able to heal irremovable ignition and stay around thanks to dodge makes water main great too).

    2) Wind main

    3) Lightning main

    4) Earth main

    So yeah, based on this I really see no reason why Earth main's skills don't also deserve an update. I want a reason to play as a character other than fire main.

Ah i see but earth main skills in EN and CN version are same if CN updated earth main skills they would update the one in EN

  • Registered: 2022-01-20
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On 2022-12-18 17:26:42Show this Author Only

4 acc why have are not equal ?

  • Registered: 2021-12-14
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On 2022-12-19 21:38:09Show this Author Only
  • Korren On 2022-12-15 09:52:25
  • Earth main is mediocre in the current meta. His main strong point is his shields, and shields are not that useful right now. Akatsuki Kakuzu is still pretty common and can just clear them, plus with stuff like irremovable ignition and poison, damage stacks up anyway. Right now, the only really decent thing in Earth main's skillset is the Attack reduction attackers suffer after his Deep Forest Wall mystery.

    Cool...but, that attack stat drop doesn't even matter that much for ninjas who are more aligned towards ninjutsu damage, AKA most of the current meta: SOSP Naruto, Edo Madara and Final Battle Madara, Shisui Susanno'o and Shisui Kimono, Ashura, Gengetsu, combo Ginkaku and Kinkaku, Chinese style Sasuke, and AC Kakuzu all have a higher ninjutsu stat than attack stat. Other major ninjas (Obito Jinchuuriki, Madara Jinchuuriki, Pain Six Paths, Indra, NY Hashirama) have exactly balanced base atk and nin growth stats. The only currently meta ninja I can think of that would really suffer from Earth main's attack decease are Gate of Death Guy (and let's be real, you're gonna be blitzed before this matters), Zabuza Edo, and Itachi Chinese Style and Edo Itachi.

    As things will be after this main skill update, I'd rank the mains like this in terms of their usefulness:

    1) Fire main or water main (I personally think fire main has a ton of different utilities and I really value reflect. Being able to heal irremovable ignition and stay around thanks to dodge makes water main great too).

    2) Wind main

    3) Lightning main

    4) Earth main

    So yeah, based on this I really see no reason why Earth main's skills don't also deserve an update. I want a reason to play as a character other than fire main.

To Hel with you and your dam "meta".

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-12-20 21:36:45Show this Author Only
  • HenryWong122 On 2022-12-19 21:38:09
  • To Hel with you and your dam "meta".

what are you even talking about?

Quicky Post

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