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[ Bugs ] Fukurokumaru packs changed contents


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2021-03-05 18:53:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello , so i have the following bug . I spent 10k coupons yesterday then redeemed the rewards corresponding to 10k milestone from fuku . that meaning 4 packs. I didn't opened them yesterday .Today i spent another 10k coupons and got the rewards from the 15k milestone meaning 6 packs . The problem is that the packs are different . The packs from today are normal, meaning they contain Naruto 6p frags and Kakuzu Creation frags but the ones from yesterday are not , instead of Kakuzu Creation they contain Sage Kabuto and Tsunade Swimsuit frags, I was considering to get Kakuzu from those wich obviusly i won't be able now , and i even fear that tomorrow the normal packs from today will be transformed as well . I spent just becauze kakuzu and naruto were there but now you changed the packs that were already in my inventory , so obviously i expect you to switch them back , it shouldn't be too hard since it seems it wasn't hard to switch the contents withouth permission. I didn't decided who to get from there either naruto or kakuzu because i was waiting for next week events so i can see wich one to buy and wich one to redeem from fuku packs . Giving other ninja then the one i spent for is a SCAM so i expect you will fix this issue swiftly .

It seems they added kakuzu in the packs that didn't had him at the time i was writi

ng this post , so no further complains.

This post was last edited by Yasatori on 2021-03-05 18:53:14.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
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On 2021-03-06 12:20:46Show this Author Only

Hello, there was an issue with the fuku packs from last month's fuku, and this month's, so Oasis altered the packs to contain the rewards from both months. The packs that are changed should contain the same contents that this month's packs has, I am glad this is corrected for you, please let us know if there is any issue.

Quicky Post

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