Bee is nice for some people who don't have him, but well... I dunno about Bee being in fireworks. Just to help people get Bee to 4 stars for BT I guess since the bug happened and most people didn't BT him then. But my main argument is that there are ninjas like Hokage Minato, Naruto 4 tails or 6 even, Kabuto Sage (because I would not pay even 5k for him), Kimono Tsuna and many others that are kinda not playable that much right now, but still it would be nice to have them, but usually none of them are in events or their price is very high which does not make sense. Yeah, you can get Minato in treasure of Sage but who would spend that amount to get him? Nobody.
totally agree with u and i get where u are coming from, i am not annoyed cus i have bee and want him 4* or so lol, actually i will get him because of the event tomorrow but's 4th year anniversary = could have been better, it's once a year occasion related to the game itself, and bee ain't better than kushina that most ppl already have so idk if it is very pleasant for all people to get him especially half buying him, while having each of his frags more expensive more than kakuzu egf frags lol...i meant if this is how it is with the major game annual anniversary, how will be throughout the year lol......hope u a nice day guys...thanks
Game is boring.
Add new maps , add new plot / elite, give us full Tsunade exchange shop finally ! increase lvl cap !
Forget about laggy and risky flash and go to HTML ortherwise mass quit will be incoming
yes, the game needs these things, new missions, new instances + adding the whole boruto world........
Fuku ttrraasshh, 25k uselless, 45k reluctance to spend, better wait.
Nothing new appears in the game, only more recharge, ,recharge, recharge, recharge, recharge, recharge, ..............................................................................................................................
Yeah, actually Fuku gives very little stuff apart from Minato 80 and Ronin 80. Very little battle power stuff and ultimate essence removed from 25 even for a bit of Ronin frags, lol. 25k not worth for power, only if you really need Minato frags mainly. Ronin just ate all the value fully and in bonus you just get some small stuff. But oh, well, Its Ronin! the best ninja me
why can't I find Naruto's Froggy and Sakura's Gift in hot topic? Break golden eggs missing as well
I thought that was surprising then someone guy with like only 14 k power got thee first prize on the slot machine once one day, then two times in a row on the next day.
I wouldn't believe him if I hadn't seen it.
PS: He only used 20 bucks.
that's all the grasses say....
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