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[ Strategy Share ] MISC Team. Need your Opinion.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-04 17:49:13Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey Lads ! Cool that you stumble over my Post - I need your Help!

I am a Monthly Card Player. I play on a pretty ,, new ,, Server (almost 2 months old) and during my Adventure I kind of got Lucky with the Ninja´s.
I got Ay(Third Raikage) from a Summer Badge Pack, got my Edo Minato last Week and now I am 2 Frags away from getting EarthGrudge Kakuzu.
Now obviously I want to create a Team with those cool Ninjas but as you surely already noticed: They don´t really synergize together.
I did create some Teams and would need YOUR Opinion on it.

Here come the Teams:

POS1 Minato - POS2 Kakuzu - POS3 Tendo Pain - POS4 Earth Main. Chameleon Summon.
This Team has 9 Combos and triggers Kakuzu´s Chase. With the Earth Main Chakra Passive I would be able to launch Tendo Pains Mystery Round 1. If I switch Tendo to Position 2 and Kakuzu to Position 3 I can be a 100% sure that Tendo will be Cleared from his Debuffs but POS3 Kakuzu feels wrong. What do you think?

I thought of remplacing Tendo with Ay to get the Immobile but I have no real Debuff Clear and if Ay get´s CC It shuts down my whole Combo. And Kakuzu´s Passive would be a Waste.

POS1 Minato - POS2 Kakuzu - POS3 FiveKage Temari - POS4 WindMain. Fox Summon.

Temari buff´s Minato with her Wind Style Enhancement + Shields Earth and Wind Ninja´s. With Flower Dance from my WindMain, both my Main and Temari are Immune to Debuffs. I see a great potential in Damage using Minato and Temari Mystery during Round 2. This Team has a 8 Combo on every Ninja but does not trigger Kakuzu´s 30 Chase.

I tried on both Teams to fit in Seven Swords KillerBee and Gaara but if I do that I have 0 Combo and Minato´s Standard Attack and this is something I really don´t like. But I´am unsure of that fact. Killer Bee giving a second standard attack to kakuzu could be very helpful to do some good damage Round 1. Maybe enough for Minato to clear up the ennemy team solo in Round 2. Not to forget that Bee also buffs Minato.

I´am kind of Lost right now and split between these 2 Teams. I have a huge preferance for the Earth Main Team. Its seems more durable but that could be just me.
I have no other Pain exept Tendo and I only have the Standard Akatsuki Members (missing Konan). My other Ninja´s are not worth mentioning exept maybe Iruka, Sasuke BT and Kurenai BT.

Do you think one of these 2 Team´s could be viable? ( At least until I get some other Ninja´s )
What Team do you prefer ?

Thanks for reading all of this! I´am very curious to see what you Guys think ! Hope you can give me some advices.

  • Registered: 2018-10-18
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On 2019-10-04 21:58:07Show this Author Only
2# looking at the explanation of your team work and your formations...both of the 2 examples are great indeed and you have so many options to adjust the teams in order to get a specific benefit...i assume the first team example with the crimson fist would be good to try since your team working among your formation ninjas can be going so well...with a high chance to complete your team chain of chase attacks...tendo pain might be giving your team a better advantage than the raikage by a slight chance...since he will be gaining more benefits while kakuzu is on the team and this will aid on building your team damage and endurance place kakazu at position 3 on such a team cant be so bad i think because its not a meta team for kakuzu and he is more likely to be serving as a support for your front line while also causing great damage ..the only problem for kakuzu at position 3 that he wont be able to stop your enemy mystery at position 1 and 2...but minato would be an aid for such a situation surely

the second team example will be focused on giving most of the benefits and support for minato..which will arm him with a deadly damage potential when you use his mystery at round 2...your fighting method is good with this team...also your main and temari will surely endure most of the debuffs to make them survive for a while longer in order to support minato..and this can surely be great to allow your team to wield a powerful potential specially at the first 3 rounds i think...

gaara can be giving better benefits for both teams and he can be helpful to give you a chance on countering your enemy barriers i think unlike killer bee since killer bee can only be useful on giving kakuzu an extra standard attack... also killer bee can be working with a wonderful harmony on the same team with minato ....

its surely hard to create a team formation that is having both edo tensei minato and kakuzu together since both of them requires a special support formations or a meta formation...but there is a chance for you to adjust those team into a better form that will allow you to have the highest terms on making a great team with a wonderful power potential...maybe there is few examples which you could try

for an example...position 1 minato position 2 iruka position 3 killer bee position 4 wind main...with such a formation and while having the right talents and summons...your team members will be giving minato a massive damage support i think...this will make him dreadful to your enemy and specially on round 2 surely....

as for kakuzu if you had konan then i would have suggest on using her with kakuzu surely..since she can be a great damage and endurance support for kakuzu...but with this team your ultimate threat will be control ninjas since your enemy will mostly focus at kakuzu....if your enemy is having edo tensei itachi on their formation they will surely use itachi mystery to drop a dream mode on kakuzu for 3 rounds..meaning that your team is already defeated and the battle will be over before it even starts your only escape would be having a strong resistance on kakuzu or a strong healer and debuff clearing ninja or also having itachi on your team formation too....minato will be safe on this side because of his immune talent i think.... and this will be giving you a better chance to handle most of the combat situations...

hope you find those examples to be helpful on aiding you to make the right decision...wish to you fruitful efforts and wonderful results...

best of luck...

This post was last edited by dusk of soul on 2019-10-04 22:04:13.
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