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[ Events ] Naruto[Ronin] 80k Ingots???


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-30 11:17:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So with this weeks event we are seeing a way of directly purchasing Naruto[Ronin].

In Shinobi Feast - Lucky Feast you can buy up to 2 Naruto[Ronin] for 1000 ingots each which is 300 more than Itachi Uchiha [Susano'o].

This officially marks Naruto[Ronin] as the most expensive ninja purchasable through events.

Naruto[Ronin] was released on Chinese Servers originally for 2400 ingots only. Not sure how money is compared with the English version, but this brings Naruto[Ronin] way above the stock stand 20k which has slowly creep to about 22k for premium or event type ninjas.

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On 2019-08-30 17:27:14Show this Author Only

It's a good thing that crap ninja is behind a pay wall.
Do you really want Ronin for 2.4k ONLY?? Ronin Online ? AWFULL

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On 2019-08-30 17:48:54Show this Author Only

If I'm not mistaken in CN Ronin Naruto was released at 2* - maybe that has something to do with the lower price in CN, we also have to keep in mind that CN is very different from western servers.

Right now, if Naruto ronin was made avaliable for 2.4k coupons it would cause chaos, especially in the newer servers.

Ronin Naruto is slowly starting to appear on more events, so I guess you can get him for cheaper than that in the future (?) if you can get him in multiple events at the same time.

This post was last edited by RDom on 2019-08-30 17:49:10.
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On 2019-08-30 18:26:27Show this Author Only

CN is just cheaper than Western servers. Also Ronin didn't create that much of a chaos in CN so if we had the same thing as CN it wouldn't be a big problem here.

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On 2019-08-30 18:38:28Show this Author Only


This post was last edited by newninja on 2019-08-30 18:38:41.
  • Registered: 2018-11-22
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On 2019-08-30 18:39:46Show this Author Only

Why are you comparing our version to CN? It's two different operas, haven't your learned anything while playing. Also, a Shinobi feast is not the event to measure the prices.

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On 2019-08-30 19:09:22Show this Author Only

As it stands I'm pretty sure a lot of event ninjas are priced at 2400 in China as it seems to be a standard of sort. Still Naruto[Ronin] is super premium requiring the theoretical usage of 800USD.

Simply refusing information because they are different versions shows you are not willing to learn. Its good to compare different versions as to get an idea of what the economy looks like. Although its true you can only get 14 fragments through this method it is still the only direct quantifies we have on the English side.

I still like to also draw a parallel to china since it is essentially the original version.

A good thing to point out is that Chojuro SB/ST have not been released yet here, but in was released way before Naruto[Ronin] in China. Both in essence server the same role and the early introduction to Naruto[Ronin] even at an incredible high cost pushes out Chojuro chance to shine.

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On 2019-08-30 19:26:44Show this Author Only

If you want to compare versions, let's compare.
UK version is position 1 god
China have all 4 good positions ninjas, where ronin do not OS everyone, and have plenty of counters (edo minato, madara founder, ...)

What happend in HK? Ronin kill everyone round 1 with nearly 0 counter play. Edo itachi ? control failed, gg wp. Much fun.

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On 2019-08-30 19:53:17Show this Author Only

That's a terrible comparison

First of all position 1 stacking is still a thing in all regions

Second of all everyone dying round 1 with zero counter play, have you even experience the time of Tenten GNW meta or heaven forbids the ORIGINAL Lighting main blitz. There is a reason why lightning main is recommended when starting out.

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On 2019-08-30 20:28:09Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2019-08-30 19:09:22
  • As it stands I'm pretty sure a lot of event ninjas are priced at 2400 in China as it seems to be a standard of sort. Still Naruto[Ronin] is super premium requiring the theoretical usage of 800USD.

    Simply refusing information because they are different versions shows you are not willing to learn. Its good to compare different versions as to get an idea of what the economy looks like. Although its true you can only get 14 fragments through this method it is still the only direct quantifies we have on the English side.

    I still like to also draw a parallel to china since it is essentially the original version.

    A good thing to point out is that Chojuro SB/ST have not been released yet here, but in was released way before Naruto[Ronin] in China. Both in essence server the same role and the early introduction to Naruto[Ronin] even at an incredible high cost pushes out Chojuro chance to shine.

Even if you like to draw the compassion, no matter what, prices in China are cheaper there in comparison to the English servers and other servers. Everyone knows as such. Due to this fact, what was your purpose of this post then?
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On 2019-08-30 21:27:51Show this Author Only

Our version is inspired by the chinese version. Everything they get, we get it after. So at some point we might catch up, maybe not since they introduce a new power function, so what's wrong about comparing them? Of course I wasn't expecting Oasis to sell him at 2,3K but i was expecting him to be a 20k ninja. Not in the tsuki no me event for 90k. It's not even coherent that he is in that event. But whatever, If you guys want him to be a paywalled ninja great good it does to you. Some or many people are about to have him half price anyway thanks to Ino flower and the wheel of last week.

This post was last edited by momohiu on 2019-08-30 21:32:22.
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On 2019-08-30 22:18:59Show this Author Only

did u expect anything else? consider this, if Tencent puts a ninja for 20k ingots, chances are Oasis will go a bit higher, after all they still need the the money to pay for updates, coming from tencent.

  • Registered: 2019-02-11
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On 2019-08-31 02:26:54Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2019-08-30 19:09:22
  • As it stands I'm pretty sure a lot of event ninjas are priced at 2400 in China as it seems to be a standard of sort. Still Naruto[Ronin] is super premium requiring the theoretical usage of 800USD.

    Simply refusing information because they are different versions shows you are not willing to learn. Its good to compare different versions as to get an idea of what the economy looks like. Although its true you can only get 14 fragments through this method it is still the only direct quantifies we have on the English side.

    I still like to also draw a parallel to china since it is essentially the original version.

    A good thing to point out is that Chojuro SB/ST have not been released yet here, but in was released way before Naruto[Ronin] in China. Both in essence server the same role and the early introduction to Naruto[Ronin] even at an incredible high cost pushes out Chojuro chance to shine.

it's 1800 not 800. 80k is closer to like 1600 or so. Your maths are off. Which makes it worse becaue again he's way more expensiv then he needs to be. Honestly I'm of the opinion that if ninja' were cheape such as ronin being 2400 coupons/ignots etc it'd give people faster more access to ninja's an better team buildding iversity sinc they'd be able to get them way faster instead of a f2p waiting 6 months to get one 20k ninja.

Quicky Post

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