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An Open Letter to Oasis


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On 2019-07-15 11:42:30Show this Author Only

TL;DR for my above post and the "real feedback" we don't seem to give:
1) Make more rebates coupon friendly. I know the recharge one's aren't changing because Tencent is a * money hungry gaming superpower but at least this would appeal to everyone and significantly help lower end players.
2) Also unlikely but needs to be spammed whenever possible since we haven't said it enough...stop forcing Pos1 stacking's bland, it doesn't feel rewarding and it's not "a breath of fresh air" in any way, shape or form.
3) Please put more effort into merges. You don't have to wait until a server is dead to merge them. Compiling 10 servers with like 4-5 players in each doesn't do anything.
4) Couple with the above, please do something about x-server battles. None of the above matters if you continue to force weaker players into the jaws of death. It doesn't make the game fun for anyone. New/weaker players just stop playing and older/stronger players just go through the motions with more and more quitting from boredom over time.

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On 2019-07-15 11:53:37Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 10:58:04
  • here's your problem: c*e doesnt mean will use. does sage naruto and jiraiya help beat the current sosp meta? if it doesn't, then you probably wont find many people running it anyway

    on the other hand, rare ninjas like angry kushina or ay4 have shown that they can somewhat stans up to yknow...if you're going to ask to remove a paywall we might as well start there

The 4 star paywall won't be removed on ninja that have already released. That will just anger people who spent to get those skillbreaks. Only alternative I could think of is reducing prices on older ninjas. Tsunade NPC would also help, but idk what all skillbooks she has available. I honestly don't see the SO6P meta going away anytime soon though especially with him being pushed out every event cycle.

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On 2019-07-15 12:34:07Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2019-07-15 11:53:37
  • The 4 star paywall won't be removed on ninja that have already released. That will just anger people who spent to get those skillbreaks. Only alternative I could think of is reducing prices on older ninjas. Tsunade NPC would also help, but idk what all skillbooks she has available. I honestly don't see the SO6P meta going away anytime soon though especially with him being pushed out every event cycle.

Maybe, people shouldn't look at it like "OH I HAD TO GET IT TO 4 STAR WHILE THESE SCRUBS ONLY NEED 3 STAR? BULL MAC!"

Instead, they should look at it like "Oh, that is cool, you broke through your Ay at 3*, too bad mine is inherently stronger as it is 4*".

That is just me though.

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On 2019-07-15 12:46:46Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-15 12:34:07
  • Maybe, people shouldn't look at it like "OH I HAD TO GET IT TO 4 STAR WHILE THESE SCRUBS ONLY NEED 3 STAR? BULL MAC!"

    Instead, they should look at it like "Oh, that is cool, you broke through your Ay at 3*, too bad mine is inherently stronger as it is 4*".

    That is just me though.

As much as I wish option 2 could happen it most likely won't and would just cause more drama, it is possible though. We've been asking for 3 star breakthroughs for a long time though and the answer we almost always get is "our version is different compared to CN." There are many reasons why players want our version to be more like CN. Let's just hope to see some major changes coming soon.

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On 2019-07-15 13:07:56Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2019-07-15 12:46:46
  • As much as I wish option 2 could happen it most likely won't and would just cause more drama, it is possible though. We've been asking for 3 star breakthroughs for a long time though and the answer we almost always get is "our version is different compared to CN." There are many reasons why players want our version to be more like CN. Let's just hope to see some major changes coming soon.

Jib mentioned I think something like that some requests are unreasonable, like 80 frags of SoSP naruto to be given to everyone for free, and that players who had to pay for him would be upset. But in a situation like this, I'd see it as "Oh cool, I'm now 20 frags from 4* SoSP naruto" I don't really worry about what others get on their account.

I mean, I got Sailor Sakura for like 2k Coupons and managed to 4* her for like 3k. I got half of her initial frags for free from Mission Mobilization. Then Oasis well, released that Sasuke/Sakura pack for 60 coupons a piece, I wasn't mad that people got her to 5* without spending anything. All I cared about was the fact that I 5* mine and have some extra frags for her breakthroughs. I still have 2 of those packs sitting on my account, while I don't have Sasuke [Suit].

For some reason, players have a tendency in focusing on what others get, instead of thinking about what they can get.

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On 2019-07-15 13:09:10Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 10:58:04
  • here's your problem: c*e doesnt mean will use. does sage naruto and jiraiya help beat the current sosp meta? if it doesn't, then you probably wont find many people running it anyway

    on the other hand, rare ninjas like angry kushina or ay4 have shown that they can somewhat stans up to yknow...if you're going to ask to remove a paywall we might as well start there

believe me, SKILL TRIAL sage naruto and jiraiya can beat any meta if you combine them with Minato and Wind Main it will be disaster and more fun than NAruto SOSP copy paste teams.

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On 2019-07-15 13:36:58Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-15 13:07:56
  • Jib mentioned I think something like that some requests are unreasonable, like 80 frags of SoSP naruto to be given to everyone for free, and that players who had to pay for him would be upset. But in a situation like this, I'd see it as "Oh cool, I'm now 20 frags from 4* SoSP naruto" I don't really worry about what others get on their account.

    I mean, I got Sailor Sakura for like 2k Coupons and managed to 4* her for like 3k. I got half of her initial frags for free from Mission Mobilization. Then Oasis well, released that Sasuke/Sakura pack for 60 coupons a piece, I wasn't mad that people got her to 5* without spending anything. All I cared about was the fact that I 5* mine and have some extra frags for her breakthroughs. I still have 2 of those packs sitting on my account, while I don't have Sasuke [Suit].

    For some reason, players have a tendency in focusing on what others get, instead of thinking about what they can get.

I don't think its an unreasonable request I would be glad to see 3 star breakthroughs/trials. I'm just saying I wouldn't get my hopes up. Lets just hope anniversary is great and brings new changes to the game. Hopefully no more changes that 70% of the player base doesn't want. Really don't understand why it is so hard to push out new systems/functions that the player base wants. Maybe do 1-2 strawpolls a month giving us 3-5 upcoming features and choose the one or more that have the highest votes. We have been asking for new TI and Tsunade NPC for so long and it's frustrating to be told our feedback is important, when in reality it doesn't matter. I don't want to go on a rant about this so I will stop there.

This post was last edited by Koncept on 2019-07-15 13:41:38.
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On 2019-07-15 18:30:59Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2019-07-15 11:53:37
  • The 4 star paywall won't be removed on ninja that have already released. That will just anger people who spent to get those skillbreaks. Only alternative I could think of is reducing prices on older ninjas. Tsunade NPC would also help, but idk what all skillbooks she has available. I honestly don't see the SO6P meta going away anytime soon though especially with him being pushed out every event cycle.

this is a valid suggestion. i also don't think that it will go down well with players who 4 starred their ninjas for the sole purpose of accessing the skillbreak.

renji addressed this in an earlier post also about how they hope that the players can see it like "as someone with 4 star ay mine is inherently stronger" but we've been through similar events and the playerbase have always shown themselves to be jealous of people that benefit from change, so honestly i have 0 hope that this will happen.

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On 2019-07-15 18:34:44Show this Author Only
  • Liez07 On 2019-07-15 13:09:10
  • believe me, SKILL TRIAL sage naruto and jiraiya can beat any meta if you combine them with Minato and Wind Main it will be disaster and more fun than NAruto SOSP copy paste teams.

i don't believe you, but if you don't mind explaining to be how sage naruto and jiraiya will be able to counter the current sosp meta, i will be willing to listen. currently however, i don't see how ninjas that can't dodge, have no immunity and aren't stacked pos1 will be able to defeat a stacked immune and dodge ninja with control and heavy leech

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2019-07-15 18:58:43.
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On 2019-07-15 18:39:04Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 18:34:44
  • i don't believe you, but if you don't mind explaining to be how sage naruto and jiraiya will be able to counter the current sosp meta, i will be willing to listen. currently however, i don't see how ninjas that can't dodge, have no immunity and aren't stacked pos1 will be able to defeat a stacked immune and dodge ninja with control and heavy leech

Sage Naruto can Scale every time he deals damage....that's all I got on that subject unfortunately.

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On 2019-07-15 19:26:36Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 18:34:44
  • i don't believe you, but if you don't mind explaining to be how sage naruto and jiraiya will be able to counter the current sosp meta, i will be willing to listen. currently however, i don't see how ninjas that can't dodge, have no immunity and aren't stacked pos1 will be able to defeat a stacked immune and dodge ninja with control and heavy leech

By Burst? Sage Jiraiya can clear debuff on 2 sage mode units, same with Naruto. Minato and Wind main are consider Sage mode units. AT least 2 of them will be immune to debuff per round. I believe that team can be beaten if they'll give us variety on skill trials. Don't you want it? Would you rather see NARUTO SOSP every opponent you face than having unique teams?

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On 2019-07-15 20:28:13Show this Author Only
  • Liez07 On 2019-07-15 19:26:36
  • By Burst? Sage Jiraiya can clear debuff on 2 sage mode units, same with Naruto. Minato and Wind main are consider Sage mode units. AT least 2 of them will be immune to debuff per round. I believe that team can be beaten if they'll give us variety on skill trials. Don't you want it? Would you rather see NARUTO SOSP every opponent you face than having unique teams?

ok so:

round 2: sosp casts his mystery. sage naruto and jiraiya clear debuffs from your team.

round 3: sage naruto and jiraiya and wind main are dead because they are unable to dodge sosp's attacks and aren't backed up with enough stats

(btw, SN clearing debuffs on a unit doesnt make them immune to debuffs)

see, what really matter here isn't about what i want, but that objectively, that team has no way to counter and control an immune ninja that can dodge and heal (and is supported by phat shields), and so there's no real benefit to obtaining these skill trials. by all means, go ahead and play your teams with variety. do i want more skill trials? yes. but i also know that unique teams (particularly with sage naruto/jiraiya) aren't going to let me win against sosp until oasis cuts down on vertical scaling and starts to encourage horizontal scaling. Some unique teams work, just not with the ninjas you're suggesting. (also you don't need skill trials to make unique, winning teams but i digress)

anyway like i mentioned earlier, teams with skilltrialled habenero kushina and ay4 are going to be more likely to win against sosp. so back to that point, let's continue to lobby for oasis to remove paywalls for those ninjas first, before we come clamouring for the other breakthroughs. and then let's ask that oasis encourage horizontal scaling so that we can finally use skilltrailled basic ninjas (who will live significantly longer this time) to play more interesting matches.

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On 2019-07-15 20:30:47Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 20:28:13
  • ok so:

    round 2: sosp casts his mystery. sage naruto and jiraiya clear debuffs from your team.

    round 3: sage naruto and jiraiya and wind main are dead because they are unable to dodge sosp's attacks and aren't backed up with enough stats

    (btw, SN clearing debuffs on a unit doesnt make them immune to debuffs)

    see, what really matter here isn't about what i want, but that objectively, that team has no way to counter and control an immune ninja that can dodge and heal (and is supported by phat shields), and so there's no real benefit to obtaining these skill trials. by all means, go ahead and play your teams with variety. do i want more skill trials? yes. but i also know that unique teams (particularly with sage naruto/jiraiya) aren't going to let me win against sosp until oasis cuts down on vertical scaling and starts to encourage horizontal scaling. Some unique teams work, just not with the ninjas you're suggesting. (also you don't need skill trials to make unique, winning teams but i digress)

    anyway like i mentioned earlier, teams with skilltrialled habenero kushina and ay4 are going to be more likely to win against sosp. so back to that point, let's continue to lobby for oasis to remove paywalls for those ninjas first, before we come clamouring for the other breakthroughs. and then let's ask that oasis encourage horizontal scaling so that we can finally use skilltrailled basic ninjas (who will live significantly longer this time) to play more interesting matches.

They will never revert them though but Kakuzu and Kushina have a low chance. Hope they hear your suggestion.

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On 2019-07-15 21:09:20Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-15 12:34:07
  • Maybe, people shouldn't look at it like "OH I HAD TO GET IT TO 4 STAR WHILE THESE SCRUBS ONLY NEED 3 STAR? BULL MAC!"

    Instead, they should look at it like "Oh, that is cool, you broke through your Ay at 3*, too bad mine is inherently stronger as it is 4*".

    That is just me though.

To get Ay to 4 star is super expensive and the power you get from it isn't worth it. I mean 5% in every basic stat and you will need to spend more than 20k coupons/ingots.

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On 2019-07-15 23:15:15Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 10:58:04
  • here's your problem: c*e doesnt mean will use. does sage naruto and jiraiya help beat the current sosp meta? if it doesn't, then you probably wont find many people running it anyway

    on the other hand, rare ninjas like angry kushina or ay4 have shown that they can somewhat stans up to yknow...if you're going to ask to remove a paywall we might as well start there

actually sage naruto trials, sage hashirama, sage jiraya trials, wind/water main may actually beat almost all the current sosp teams.


sage naruto sage hashirama x

wind main sage jiraiya x

x x x

talents: 32344, summon: dog of hell

required sb/trials: both sage naruto and sage jiraya with the senjutsu passive debuff removal and chakra gaining, jiraya with chase +1 that increases cd.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2019-07-15 23:33:37.
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On 2019-07-16 02:34:23Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 18:30:59
  • this is a valid suggestion. i also don't think that it will go down well with players who 4 starred their ninjas for the sole purpose of accessing the skillbreak.

    renji addressed this in an earlier post also about how they hope that the players can see it like "as someone with 4 star ay mine is inherently stronger" but we've been through similar events and the playerbase have always shown themselves to be jealous of people that benefit from change, so honestly i have 0 hope that this will happen.

I mean the thing here is:
1) As a paying player you need to know that the game is subject to change. You are paying for premium content early not exclusively. Albeit sometimes the content is, realistically, exclusive (I.e 10 tail madara, realistically what kind of F2P earns that?) there is no reason to get big mad over this instance. Be happy the game is changing and more viable teams will emerge because of it but at the same time Oasis would need to offer some compensation because, in reality, they screwed the pooch and need to mend the damage.

2) With that being the case though, I do understand where frustration would still come in. I myself have EGF with 3 books. It didn't come cheap and I only finished those 3 books and made my Kakuzu usable versus the SoSP spam meta just a few weeks ago. If it changed suddenly and anyone could have those same skills from the ST I would be a little peeved. As such, I feel that reimbursing those who already have 4* variants of the ninja(s) that get this change would be ideal. Yeah it's gonna be a bit of work for the staff but that's just what happens when you arbitrarily make changes that were, both, unexpected and unhealthy for the competitive environment. When you make mistakes you have to work to fix them. As far as reimbur*t there are plenty of ways to do it. Partial refund in form of coupons, optional packs with ninja frags, ST mats, training pots, myoboku sets etc.

Ultimately it isn't a small task but it is doable. As I mentioned, I am one of those people that played into the 4* system and went for the books so while I might be a bit annoyed with that aspect there is also the fact that if they did this for all ninjas, as should have been, I already have many of the others such as Kushina/Deidara because I am a paying player. So while I do lose out a bit on one of my units I suddenly gained a massive amount of others that can now, potentially, be viable options to play with. In my opinion that's a fine trade off. However, the crux of the matter once again goes to the overall greed of top tier players and Tencent as well as the laziness of Oasis dev team.

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On 2019-07-16 04:59:39Show this Author Only

Honestly... and I know my opinion is rose tinted due to my cluster and more specifically my group no longer caring about the ingot incentives...but this was an unnecessary explosion over a feature that does have some whales and employees looking forward to it despite the out cry that "only the top 1% could realistically even make use of the change" of course this injures the other 9% that have maxed a pos1 but it's not game breaking or even a real issue for current competitive players to be concerned over as the bleeding edge is still the same... just a little higher of a cap.

I personally have stayed in the top 10 of my server (top 100 in cluster) since early 2017 despite still being ~150k this said... I welcome changes, sure the non-existent login incentives have caused many to become "will of fire farmers" in s78-92 and the huge pow divide has encouraged many players to give up and move to a new server... but for that exact reason this update shouldn't have become such a divisive situation, us vets have been through this shat before, and it has been worse. -early 2018 recharge event flashbacks- *shudder*

End of day, yes our feedback gets through, but without enough voices saying the same thing it amounts to nothing as it's seen as a minority making such n such request. As well if the average recharge rate for a season dips it's not going to cause them to try and fix something that we the players haven't voiced properly en masse, it'll just cause them to have to put up more incentive events to cover losses, there will always be whales, and so long as the game isn't a buggy POS like fallout 76 we should all be happy that Oasis has atleast provided a playable game that save for one bad week and a few questionable in-house events has been above and beyond all of its competitors in the field (flash/webmmo) the fact there are still diehards after three years is a testament to the game.


I was more upset at other out of game content that became out of control recently and further pushed the s52-s121 players away from being as active, some even quitting over unconfirmed drama.

This post was last edited by .Reagan. on 2019-07-16 05:04:58.
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On 2019-07-16 08:00:12Show this Author Only
  • .Reagan. On 2019-07-16 04:59:39
  • Honestly... and I know my opinion is rose tinted due to my cluster and more specifically my group no longer caring about the ingot incentives...but this was an unnecessary explosion over a feature that does have some whales and employees looking forward to it despite the out cry that "only the top 1% could realistically even make use of the change" of course this injures the other 9% that have maxed a pos1 but it's not game breaking or even a real issue for current competitive players to be concerned over as the bleeding edge is still the same... just a little higher of a cap.

    I personally have stayed in the top 10 of my server (top 100 in cluster) since early 2017 despite still being ~150k this said... I welcome changes, sure the non-existent login incentives have caused many to become "will of fire farmers" in s78-92 and the huge pow divide has encouraged many players to give up and move to a new server... but for that exact reason this update shouldn't have become such a divisive situation, us vets have been through this shat before, and it has been worse. -early 2018 recharge event flashbacks- *shudder*

    End of day, yes our feedback gets through, but without enough voices saying the same thing it amounts to nothing as it's seen as a minority making such n such request. As well if the average recharge rate for a season dips it's not going to cause them to try and fix something that we the players haven't voiced properly en masse, it'll just cause them to have to put up more incentive events to cover losses, there will always be whales, and so long as the game isn't a buggy POS like fallout 76 we should all be happy that Oasis has atleast provided a playable game that save for one bad week and a few questionable in-house events has been above and beyond all of its competitors in the field (flash/webmmo) the fact there are still diehards after three years is a testament to the game.


    I was more upset at other out of game content that became out of control recently and further pushed the s52-s121 players away from being as active, some even quitting over unconfirmed drama.

So we should be happy that Oasis provided the game and we shouldn't look for ways to enjoy the game better? That's like saying Oasis should be happy many people recharge for them and Oasis shouldn't look for ways to get more money.

This post was last edited by momohiu on 2019-07-16 08:00:40.
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On 2019-07-16 11:04:15Show this Author Only
  • momohiu On 2019-07-16 08:00:12
  • So we should be happy that Oasis provided the game and we shouldn't look for ways to enjoy the game better? That's like saying Oasis should be happy many people recharge for them and Oasis shouldn't look for ways to get more money.

Even if you try to suggest ways to make the game better, it should be expected that Oasis will not will up the player's expectations.

One thing that Izuma points out that is true is that the game is at least running and still offers people playing this game out of habit. Even with Oasis not willing up to the player's expectation, I rather to continue playing this game than not playing at all. I continue to play this game as I put the effort into my character as a f2p and I will continue to play either when this game dies (like come on we all know once naruto online was released that their was an expire date) or when I get more busy in my life.

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On 2019-07-16 16:16:25Show this Author Only

What doesn't work is the fact oasis is not trying in any way to work on balancement.

The reason why the upgrade of rune cap was bad is because it follows and links directly to another cap increase we recently had that many of us seem to forget: treasure tool one.

I don't know how many gold orbs are required to level something from 17 to 18 and from 18 to 19, but I'm quite sure once you reach all level 14 runes by fully going in the rebates you also are at level 19/20 with the main tool.

The sum of the two things is a way too big unbalancement and this one is the main reason why rune level 13/14 shouldn't have been added.

Quicky Post

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