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Edo Minato's price in Sakura's gift


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-29 12:06:50Show All Posts

This edo minato is not worth the price. Trust me. I luckily got him in the recharge event for only 20 dollars. Currently, I'm at 233k LA server and I still lost to people with 70k power less than me in sage war and space time when I use this minato. His damage is no where compared to hokage minato and the cooldown of his mystery is just unbearable (3 rounds). Plus his standard attack does absolute 0 damage. In addition, if you wonder my first position is full stacked with 18k initiative, 17k-ish crit and injury and 15k ish for control and combo.

Don't ever buy this minato, he's an absolute waste of money. If you got him almost for free like me then it's ok. Otherwise it would be a waste of your money

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-29 20:19:43Show All Posts
  • pinkpsyche On 2018-12-29 13:22:26
  • I got him for almost 20k spending into konoha great tree and I would say he is worth it. Not because of what he is now, but for what he will be in the future: a bond mystery that gives a barrier for him and another bond mystery with kurama mode naruto where his mystery becomes undodgeable. Getting edo minato is more for an investment in the long run

With 20k ingot, you should have rather gotten naruto 6 sage paths. The ninja is way more op with self healing, immunity to debuff, dodge first mystery and attack, mystery reset every single round. Even when this edo minato got the barrier like you said, he would still lose to 6 sage path naruto.

Quicky Post

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