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[ Lineup ] Utakata [Edo Tensei] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-23 03:30:20Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Again a new ninja so let's review it



Mystery: there is a mistake in description, when the targets are under slow status already this mystery will cause immobile to those units

the mystery is not bad as a pos2, I wouldn't really recommend it to be used for pos1

Standard Attack: A pretty good attack, removing shields and buffs, but it's a random unit so it will depend on your luck who you hit

Chase: Normal chase with just an addition of small shield gain

Chase 2: decent damage chase + ignition

Passive: As almost all Jinchurikis, immunity + small heal per round is a pretty good passive

As you guys can see, the ninja isn't really game-breaking

The biggest problem is the fact that he 'causes slow and relies on slow, which is quite hard to do because many meta ninjas used today have passive immunity

I would recommend to use him for fun and not much in serious fights however I did make serious teams below

He works the best with water-fire-wind main, I wouldn't recommend using Earth and Lightning with him.

1. Fire Main



Kurama + Shark Kisame is always a good combo :p

Immobiling and chakra draining, Utakata can add slow or immobile also with some extra damage

You could also use the fire main clone passive

2. Wind Main



No need for dance of impetus because of Kurama Naruto

If you can get off the wind dust mystery that'll be a huge advantage always

Chases will provide a 45 extra chakra so you could hit your enemy with both Kurama+Utakata mysteries at round 2

3. Water Main



As always interrupt + chakra drain + tons of poison and ignites and damage

Of course Jonin Minato should have the assist links mystery

4. Water Main 2 "the f2p team"



A bit of f2p friendly ninjas

Kurotsuchi can provide a slow vs your enemy at round 2 to make the way of Utakata immobiling them all in round 2

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-23 07:49:11Show this Author Only

I was hoping to see Jiraiya SE for slow and hit combo.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-25 02:27:08Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2018-11-23 07:49:11
  • I was hoping to see Jiraiya SE for slow and hit combo.

Ah yeah I was thinking about that ninja also but decided to try something f2p friendly with Kurotsuchi :p

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-29 20:03:18Show this Author Only

To much buffs with immunity or what not to even run this guy tbh. Madara with him is safe and wind main *ing too

  • Registered: 2018-12-15
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On 2022-09-03 22:49:07Show this Author Only

whats a good substitute instead of the karin summon i only got gamaken, big slug, and lightning tiger

  • Registered: 2022-10-07
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On 2022-10-07 14:36:39Show this Author Only

Waiting for Jiraiya SE.

five nights at freddy's

Quicky Post

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