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[ Suggestions ] Seal scroll rebate


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-16 01:24:11Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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A while ago I asked for a 500 seal scroll rebate and to your credit I suppose you did deliver that. It takes around 7 months to get 500 seal scrolls nearly half a year, is it too much to ask that the rebate give 100 seal scrolls and not 2 hashirama fragments? If you where to get 20 seal scrolls for a week it would take you more than 2 years to get Edo tensi hashirama and seal scrolls are not easy to get. It simply isn't worth it to get the 500 seal scroll rebate since already getting 200 alone would net you 35 extra seal scrolls, putting hasirama in there is pointless. China has a seal scroll rebate that gives 100 seal scrolls for the 500th draw and 200 for the 1000th draw and that's not unreasonable by any means considering it would take well over a danm year to collect 1000 seal scrolls. Thank you I hope you can consider my idea in the future.

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On 2018-09-16 13:52:22Show this Author Only

Don't disagree, never quite understood the justification of 200 extra seal scrolls for 2 Hashirama fragments, seems incredibly silly.

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On 2018-09-19 16:17:08Show this Author Only

lol 2. always make me laugh wonder who did the math or just

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-19 23:46:54Show this Author Only

In retrospect 2 Hashirama [Edo Tensei] Fragments are worth 60-120 seals scroll so for average sake its 90. If we take a look at the math for getting Hashirama [Edo Tensei] this is well worth it and this is nothing new China has indeed had this phase for recruitment rebate.

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On 2018-09-23 14:52:59Show this Author Only
  • Azzakye On 2018-09-19 23:46:54
  • In retrospect 2 Hashirama [Edo Tensei] Fragments are worth 60-120 seals scroll so for average sake its 90. If we take a look at the math for getting Hashirama [Edo Tensei] this is well worth it and this is nothing new China has indeed had this phase for recruitment rebate.

Completely disagree, this is NEVER worth it and I will explain why using math:

Yes, you will get 1 OR 2 Hashi fragments roughly every 60 seal scrolls...sometimes you can get at 40, other times, 70.

If you utilize the 300 rebate, you get 66 seal scrolls at rebate. This is equivalent to 1 Hashirama Pull Get. By going to a max rebate of 500 seal scrolls, you are essentially throwing away progress towards another 300 rebate which would net you another 66 seal scrolls. For the amount of 500 seal scrolls, you are essentially forfeiting a 300 seal scroll rebate to get another 66 seal scrolls. This is bad for two reasons:

You are trading progress towards your second super rare (as most people would be working towards....and whales need not be discussed here) and eliminating a chance to get more than 2 Hashi fragments. With the two 66 seal scrolls you would get from the rebate, you are essentially guaranteed at MINIMUM 2 Hashirama fragments....with a chance to get up to 4.

Keeping this in mind, it would be greatly detrimental for F2P (or anyone really) to take the rebate to 500. The rebate is supposed to give one rewards that would be BETTER.....this really gives you less. You lose 66 pulls towards a super and you miss out on a possible extra 1-2 Hashirama frags.

A hard NO in my book. This really should be at bare minimum 5-6 Hashirama frags for the 500 milestone.

This post was last edited by Shyuko on 2018-09-23 14:56:06.
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