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[S171, S168, S165] Legion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 12
  • Posts: 126
On 2017-08-15 11:25:22Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello, I'm S171-Kimiko, the current leader of the group Legion. Let me introduce our group a bit:

Legion is one of the top three groups in our merged server and is always in GNW (Great Ninja War) every Wednesday and Saturday. We encourage all players to be active and participate in GNW. Not just for our group's benefit, but everyone's as everyone will get group coins to buy things like Medium Refinement Runes and some high quality ninjas like Konan. On top of that, you will be able to power up with your group contribution points more often.

Many members of Legion are really nice and we try to help everyone out whenever and where ever we can whether it be convoys or team instances and Strong Approaching. If you ever have problems with other members, we are usually available to talk to for advice. We also provide lots of humor and sarcastic jokes, so the chat is never really dull.

We have a few requirements due to our GNW status.

1) Attend GNW. If you are online when GNW is active and are not on a wait period from leaving your last group, then please show up. It is really rude to not lend others a helping hand. We may not always win, but we always want to support each other.

2) Be active. Inactive players will be kicked after a certain period of time if a reason is not provided. Suitable reasons include: vacation, jobs, school/college, death of a loved one, and ending up in the hospital. If your possible reason is not listed, then you can contact me, ShoBabe, Ian, or GinBae and discuss it with us. We can be lenient.

3) Be level 50. This was brought on due to inactive players abusing our previous "open to 16+ levels" policy we had. Please, if you are going to join, please put in some hard work. And besides, level 50 is insanely easy to hit in the first few days of starting up on another server. I did it in about two or three and others did it in one.

And that is about all. If you have any questions, please drop me a line in-game while I am online (or offline if you want to send an offline message), reply to this thread, or drop me a PM when the PM feature is reinstated.

Have a nice day everyone.

This post was last edited by Kimiko97 on 2017-08-15 11:25:22.
Quicky Post

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