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[ Bugs ] Oasis Fail - SA Itachi Returns (Easy/Normal)


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On 2017-06-20 08:17:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Both Easy and Normal modes for this are insanely over powered. Easy should be just that, easy. Anyone over level 70 should be able to beat easy solo, below 70 should be able to beat it with a team. This is currently impossible. The ninjas just do not scale properly and even with a ninja giving shields you will lose ninjas in the first round before first action.
In normal mode, you should be able to beat it with a team for players level 70-80 with a team. Level 80 should be able to beat normal solo. This also is not currently possible. Again, first and last rounds don't scale properly for level and power. New players have no chance of even beating easy.
I think the idea was to make something challenging for the very old players who have tons of add on power (magatamas/ armor/ charms/ runes etc), but all I see in the strategy area is "SA difficult is so easy, just use this simple team and put it on auto". So, you have failed to challenge the old players and completely frustrated the newer players.
There is no special strategy/ninja combo that can win this when the first and last rounds can kill your ninjas before you even get to make a move.
If you want to make difficult a super hard challenge for old players, that is fine, but at least give new players something that they have a chance a beating (easy), and give players who have been player for 2-4 months something that they can beat (normal).

Itachi Returns = BIG FAIL
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On 2017-06-20 09:10:17Show this Author Only
Hi there,

Please understand, the game is not meant to be easy. If you have issues with some function in game, such as Strong Approaching now, you can consult other players in our Strategy section, your server friends, or maybe players on Discord.

This Strong Approaching was shown time and again to be possible, all is needed is a good strategy.

Good luck!
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On 2017-06-20 09:24:21Show this Author Only
No you are wrong. I have yet to see any "strategy" that makes this SA possible for lower level/newer players. EVERY video I have seen has been of either insanely overpowered players for their levels (i.e. long time players), or players over level 85. If it is so easy, then go show me proof of someone level 65-70 with power around 15k that can beat easy. Or someone level 80 with power 30k that can beat normal. Just because it is possible for you does not mean it is possible for everyone.
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On 2017-06-20 12:51:02Show this Author Only
You need recharge some money to become stronger.
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On 2017-06-20 14:14:02Show this Author Only
  • Picklejuicy On 2017-06-20 09:24:21
  • No you are wrong. I have yet to see any "strategy" that makes this SA possible for lower level/newer players. EVERY video I have seen has been of either insanely overpowered players for their levels (i.e. long time players), or players over level 85. If it is so easy, then go show me proof of someone level 65-70 with power around 15k that can beat easy. Or someone level 80 with power 30k that can beat normal. Just because it is possible for you does not mean it is possible for everyone.
To be fair, a ftp could have 5k more power than what you quoted, and that's someone who did NOT intentionally slow down level up.

But I do agree with your idea, if someone says something is easy, they need to prove it.
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On 2017-06-20 16:54:03Show this Author Only
Do it in team. In two easy and normal are a piece of cake at any power
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On 2017-06-21 02:01:48Show this Author Only
i do have to agree with you they are to hard, you can find line ups on youtube with exact details on how to do it, it gets easier with team mates, but you have to have the stratagy down. ive just stopped doing them since its to hard. you can get battle armor and thread from events.. just takes time
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On 2017-06-21 04:13:01Show this Author Only
You all are making the false assumption that I have not looked on youtube. I have in fact watched 10-20 different videos online, and btw most of those "easy team" lineups don't work for new players. I have personally experimented with 40-50 different lineups myself (as a level 80 power ~38k). I completely understand the strategy of most of the teams, even the power up tricks that many don't even know they are using. I beat normal just fine using a team of 3 people. However, the majority of players on my server (which is 2 months old), can't even dream of beating easy.
I challenge any of you who say it is easy. Start a new ninja on a different server and in less than a week you should be high enough in level to access strong approaching. Try just entering easy with your strongest ninja and let me know if any even survive the first round, let alone being able to beat it with a team "at any power".

From all of my testing, and from previous experience with hidan, hanzo, and yagura, I am convinced that there is some statistic (or more likely attack bonus) in the first and fourth rounds that is not scaling properly. The second and third rounds appear to adjust to the player correctly.
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On 2017-06-21 04:35:53Show this Author Only
It isnt as hard as you claim it is. It isnt as easy as any other sa, but it isnt that hard either. Since round 1 is all about surviving, use ninja/talent that grants you shield before 1st wave attacks. Since last wave hits like a truck, you need to do the same. How? Scaling ninjas (kimimaro, kidomaru, ukon, tayuya, hebihime, choza, choji, anything that scales)- prolong the fight as much as you can, so you have last rounds burst when it is needed. What about chaos? It's AI, it always picks the same targets under the same cir*stances. So if your nuker wont be chaosed, then wait with casting mystery after itachi chaoses. If he is the target of chaos, use other ninjas to intercept chaos, as AI uses it as interrupt. I had to level, awaken to the max and cultivate hebihime (who was laughed at by majority during monthly event, now she saves the day) for round 1 and ukon for round 4 just for this purpose.
I'm talking here about SA HARD as a fire main, 85lvl with 45k power. With the same team, that is kabuto, ukon/tayuya and hebihime/kimimaro (both setups work) my friend at 81lvl and 32k power has beaten SA easy and normal as a wind main.
So, if you cant pass it, you are doing it wrong. Dont blame the game, this one is on your side.
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On 2017-06-21 05:28:25Show this Author Only
the first round is done easily using 3x interupt in a team. Neji/lightmain for new servers at lvl 43 :p
in round 3 with neji/lightmain u can stop itachi and sasuke aswell :x whats hard ?:D
This post was last edited by misakomomo at 2017-6-21 05:29
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On 2017-06-21 05:55:27Show this Author Only
  • Picklejuicy On 2017-06-20 09:24:21
  • No you are wrong. I have yet to see any "strategy" that makes this SA possible for lower level/newer players. EVERY video I have seen has been of either insanely overpowered players for their levels (i.e. long time players), or players over level 85. If it is so easy, then go show me proof of someone level 65-70 with power around 15k that can beat easy. Or someone level 80 with power 30k that can beat normal. Just because it is possible for you does not mean it is possible for everyone.
dude lol use lighting main immune for 2 rounds hidan suigutsui and guy or someone that can cancel msystery....
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On 2017-06-21 05:56:13Show this Author Only
When did I say "I" couldn't beat SA. I can beat both easy and normal solo, and with luck have beaten difficult in a team. But, I am the strongest player on my server (or one of the 3 of us who trade off #1 constantly). I use a setup similar to yours except that I use the water main's power scaling to be my heavy hitter. I would suspect that any decent player over level 80 could come up with a team to win normal as the scaling difference compared to level 90 is minimal. I am talking about the scaling for players below level 80. Remember SA unlocks at level 43.

All I am saying is Oasis needs to "look under the hood", and make sure that the enemies in the first and fourth round are properly scaling for newer players. If your server has level 85 players on it, then I wouldn't consider your server "new". And any friends on your server who might be lower leveled can have bonuses that might not reflect very high in their power number, but can impact this SA greatly.

It all comes down to a basic question of if you think "Easy" should be easy for all players and if you think it should be possible for the players who just unlocked it at level 43. In MY opinion, if this is a "bug" (and only Oasis can answer that), then it needs to be fixed. If it is not a bug, then Oasis needs to come out and say it is by design. If it is by design, then my argument would be that the attack levels for Easy should be reduced significantly and for normal minimally to make the game enjoyable for the AVERAGE player.
Special ninjas, strategy, and tricks make sense for beating difficult, but normal should be possible with just a good solid team and shouldn't require special ninjas, just a "normal" team. And "Easy" should be EASY, and anyone (no matter the level), should be able to beat it with 3 random ninjas that are fully leveled, cultivated, etc.

Actually, I think the real solution is give hidan SA for levels 43-64, hanzo for 65-74, yagura for 75-84, and itachi returns for 85-90.
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On 2017-06-21 05:57:13Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-06-21 05:55:27
  • dude lol use lighting main immune for 2 rounds hidan suigutsui and guy or someone that can cancel msystery....
If you are a lower level player, then you can't change your main.
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On 2017-06-21 06:33:00Show this Author Only
SA isn't meant to be facerolled with just a normal use team (even if its solid and balanced) once it's unlocked. It's the same as ninja exam. Yes, there were exams you could just brute force/auto, but on others you'd have to use other ninjas (which obviously you have, its just not your main meta ninjas- eg. ino, shikamaru, kankuro) if you'd want to be on exam that requires your current or slightly higher power. It's the same scenario here. Tactics > brute force.
Do I think players should be able to complete SA even once they unlock it? Yes, and they are. Do I think it should be just brainless and effortless autorun/use of main team? No. Like you, me and a few other have already said, its just tactics. Pretty much the same hints are listed in SA description, except literally listing lineups (and for those you just google itachi sa x main).
If a newbie has problems with SA, they should just ask- just like Qolem wrote. It takes 5minutes to do some research or ask older player/group about know-how. Curse mark ninjas are already available (sure, kimimaro is 2*, hes weaker, this could be the only problem). There arent rng factorcs here (unlike some ninja exam, where you have to get through x layers of randomness to succeed). I am really sorry that this SA, alongside with Hanzo, requires thinking- perhaps it isn't for everybody out there.
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On 2017-06-21 06:37:53Show this Author Only
Okay, it's going too far...

Guys, please move it to Strategy Section, I think you may find more luck there if you need strategies or tips for this SA. I'll close it here :)

Good luck to everyone!
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