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[ Events ] Pros and Cons of Convoy/Plunder (and possible solutions?)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-03 12:34:52Show All Posts
Convoy Pros:
Get supported by the powerful Oragiri. :lol

Convoy Cons:
30 coupons, 15 if I lose - more if I decide to spend ingots on it. Firmly believe SS should be free all 4 times since plunders get so much.

Plunder Pros:
150 Coupons if you win all

Plunder Cons:
Higher power support
0 Coupons if you're unlucky to find the other groups' strong players for support, which happened to a groupmate of mine. This post was last edited by Niji at 2017-2-2 23:36
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