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[ Suggestions ] Tendo Pain needs to be fixed and Tobi as well


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-07 01:48:53Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Please fix Tendo pain's mystrery so its a prompt skill again its absurd to take that away after having it for so long, he is not that great otherwise and basically dont even care to use him with these new changes

Tobi as well needs his mytery skill fixed so it creates knockdown status like it use too,

I dont think this is a lot to ask for and would deal with the other changes but these should be fixed right away what i pointed out.
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On 2017-01-07 01:57:20Show this Author Only

Appreciate the suggestions. I'll respond with some clarity.

Tendo received a great beneficial buff in other areas of his kit. From field removal, damage increase.
He also has the ability to turn 1, which is massive in GNW. The balancing helps to keep him from being absurd.

Speaking of which. Tobi's had arguably one of the best kits in the game.
His nerf was needed. The bright side of it, his damage is intact. His chase still does a high amount of damage and he's an ignite machine.

Game changes could happen in the future.
Thanks for your input.
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On 2017-01-07 05:41:52Show this Author Only
I dont see what you mean with Tendo pain, I see no benificial buff since the update, still not effected by 100% ninjutsu damage which was same before. His damage seems the same to me, maybe some more skill damage which was needed.

Tobi damage had stayed the same which i was happy to see, I still think would be nice to have his mystery create Knockdown status, like it used too and then remove his mystery from being useable in first round and make it like it used to be. as for the mystery skill.

Just one humble man's thoughts who has paid way too much in this game.
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On 2017-01-07 07:51:08Show this Author Only
I respect your opinion and thank you for the suggestion.
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On 2017-01-07 11:19:50Show this Author Only
I don't agree with the Tobi sentiment, he allowed for f2p and semi f2p players to compete because he is a great character (and realistic to the anime) then they nerfed both orochimaru characters too so they don't revive without another sound ninja in the field (making it unrealistic to the anime)

I don't have tendo pain and may never have him but if i paid as much as players had to pay for him i wouldn't be happy if he were nerfed (but this is not really my main concern)
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On 2017-01-07 12:32:30Show this Author Only
Now Light is cancer i cant even counter root of warrior without Tobi ;P
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On 2017-01-07 13:30:57Show this Author Only
for us f2p can't have like we used to now tobi was our best ninja.....but now....:(
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On 2017-01-07 17:09:53Show this Author Only
I agree Tobi was a strong unit for f2p players that helped us stay in the game against monsters that dump cash here all day. Heres a fact cash players almost never used tobi because they never needed to. In some cases he was a downgrade for them, but ftp players had him way more often. No not every ftp used him but a good chunk did meaning no one had a straight advantage on others. Now i know my team is garbage, my highest combo is 5 until i get better ninjas or a different gold summon.
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On 2017-01-07 20:13:16Show this Author Only
Tobi needed to be fixed to a certain degree. With the addition of Danzo he became even more broken compared to other available ninja's. Izanagi allowed for a reset on his revive. So yeah the Unyielding passive had to go. But I see no reason to remove the Knockdown from his mystery especially now that Genjutsu Mirrior Return from Scarlet Blaze no longer boosts the damage while being under ignite status.

As for Tendo the only real issue I have is with his mystery now costing a whopping 80 Chakra. It makes him basicly only good in Ranked and GNW battles. Sure you c*e it in round one if you pair him with say 10 Puppet Chiyo but that doesn't make any sense character fluff wise and really cripples his usefullness alltogether. If other Pain ninja's would have a passive along the lines of lowering his chakra cost then it would make allot more sense imo.
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On 2017-01-07 20:32:45Show this Author Only
you c*so run lightning main with Konan WB asuma and tendo ... that also alows you to use him turn 1
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On 2017-01-09 05:24:08Show this Author Only
It may be just me but giving him 1st round mystery didnt change anything. His mystery hits the round after you use it now. So IF you can pull it off 1st round then it will go off at the beginning of 2nd round which b4 nerf you could pull at the beginning of round 2 easily.
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On 2017-01-09 05:45:33Show this Author Only

He's able to use it turn 1.
However, if his standard goes beforehand, It'll carry over to the next turn considering his skill is now "Non-Prompt"
I've tested it with multiple people, It's working as intended.
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On 2017-01-09 05:46:45Show this Author Only
so put him in last place and generate before he attacks? i'll try it.
Edit: awesome thanks for the knowledge. Was really bummed about this nerf but at least there's some solace.

This post was last edited by aft*** at 2017-1-9 05:49
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