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2017-07-24 20:07:57
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2018-04-20 13:36:10
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2017-08-19 06:31:51
Server Merge Request - Week 14th August
1. Server ID: S488: Pervy Sage 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 4 months 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10-12 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 36M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 0-1 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 60K, AVG top 10 : 50K, AVG Top 20 : 39K Notes: * The only GNW group that can register sometimes doesn't have 200 activity rate. * Server has 6~ active players (8 at most). Many have alts running just to boost group activity to qualify for GNW.
2017-09-19 12:42:41
Hokage Minato Minor Buff??
It was initially going to be patched as a lot of people noticed that he had his 4.0 buffs (which he just got in CN 3~ weeks ago) but for one reason or another they said they were letting it stay. Unless that's changed, which it may have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Jonin vs Hokage Minato comes down to this: Jonin: Scaling +Taijutsu/Combo the longer a fight goes Can potentially mystery every turn x2 Chase Hokage: Mystery benefits from both TAI and NIN vs Jonin's TAI only. +40% resist to entire field for 5 rounds (permanent after skillbook) Scaling +combo the longer a fight goes Tag + damage before every action Can potentially interrupt an entire lineup as early as turn 2 if he can target his mystery on a tagged ninja. Super powerful, the only other ninjas capable of doing this are Edo Hashi (not available) and Torume (non-prompt and honestly who uses Torume). IMO: Jonin is more offensive oriented due to his scaling damage and x2 chases but Hokage offers more utility/defensive and grants a good amount of tankiness to your ninjas. For extra fun, try running earth main with +Def/Resist (+20%/40%) passive with Hokage Minato. That being said, I ended up not getting Jonin Minato since I already have 4* Hokage Minato and just grabbed Obito instead.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 07:55:51
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
The point is it's meaningless to complain about balance issues on the global forums as Tencent isn't going to be looking for balancing solutions from a game that is a year behind their own, nor Oasis does have the ability to the modify the game even if they wanted to. Water IS weak in CN, there is zero debate on this - you can ask any of the players that play CN in their spare time and they will tell you that Wind and Earth are the strongest mains by far. There is 1 (maybe 2) Spacetime cluster that still have immortal teams among the top, every other cluster have seen them die off due to people consistently crushing them with hard counters.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
People still pretending that this is League of Legends and that Oasis has the power to change the game as a publisher, lol. Water actually gets buffed in the future and is still weak compared to the other mains. If you want to see how balance is then your best bet is to look towards CN as they're a full year+ ahead of global right now. I've noticed that they balance around the top end players moreso than the general populace and honestly both water and earth immortal teams are dead against whales that have access to the entire ninja roster. There are more ways than ever to counter these teams with the two newest additions to the roster and immortal teams as a whole have steadily been dying out ever since Roshi was released a month+ ago.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
Han v Roshi
Roshi will see use well into the future especially after Kurama link Naruto is released. Han isn't nearly as good if you have decent BP. As others have said, he's only a meta breaker if he gets his mystery off, which pmuch does nothing to anyone using move 1 interrupts / has access to Itachi Susanoo (who has been getting easier and easier to get thanks to events).
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:21:56
Report of misbehavior
If someone plunders then they have to accept that they can be attacked. It's a part of the game. Don't want to get attacked = don't plunder, pretty simply concept.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:41
Wheel of Fortune
If a true whale wanted #1 on some event you're not going to outspend them even if you have a years worth of saved coupons, lol. People spend thousands of dollars on ingots in 1 week during the really good pay event weeks.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:18:22
Question about immortal team
TBH, immortal teams are pretty weak nowadays with multiple counters (both earth and water versions). Lightning blitz has always been a hard counter if the lightning player has higher init / BP and there are just multiple Roshi teams spread across lightning, fire, and earth that either grinds down immortal teams slowly or just nukes their entire team down through two turns of Roshi teamwide ignite chase into a turn 2 Roshi mystery.If you lack 6 tails Naruto 4*'ed then you can swap to Earth main and sub in Kabuto as your 4th ninja. This post was last edited by Deculture at 2017-7-13 18:27
2017-07-24 22:18:10
Fix Sage world
Level locking won't matter if the highest lvl bracket players stop queueing for SWB as it will start pulling players in the lower level brackets to fill the upper level fields. I've ran into lvl 70's in my SWB more than a few times now.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:18:03
Anniversary Event
UID: 200000104409403Server ID: S488 Pervy SageCharacter Name: DecultureMost Unforgettable Moment: Getting Hashirama in 8 mission boxes. Pretty much paved the way to auto attack skill breakthrough +1 earlier last month.
General Discussion
2017-08-19 22:06:01