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2017-07-24 20:21:06
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2020-11-10 02:09:35
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2020-11-08 03:19:10
Skillbreak Idea Discussion - 1
That's Tencent's idea of ''skillbreak'' and I hate it. There are many useful variations in both anime series and game mechanics but Tencent is stuck on ''standart from mystery, Immunity Supression'' etc. I admit, I use them too but try not to use it as much as possible. Used 2 or 3 times because I was stuck (especially Kakashi, ughh that annoying skillset).
General Discussion
2020-11-04 23:59:23
Two Question
And I can't complete my edit...It's not ''Sharing people''. It is ''talking with people''. Sorry.
General Discussion
2020-10-30 08:45:02
New Skillbreak Ideas
Also, is it possible to remove all of my previous posts before this? It would be great if it was and I would be very grateful.
General Discussion
2020-10-27 19:08:54
New Skillbreak Ideas
But one of my idea posts were locked because ''This is wrong section''. It was at Bugs & Support. So, please tell me which post goes where. Because I'm lost already. Either way,I'm gonna move this post to Bugs & Support.
General Discussion
2020-10-27 19:08:54
Skillbreak Ideas #10 - Susanoo Itachi
Ok,I have 2 questions and 1 request. 1.Is Itachi Susanoo BT real in China? I thought it didn't exist since it wasn't implemented or I didn't follow up but if it was implemented, I believe I wouldn't miss. I follow China server news. Plus, it would drop on online faster than its leak news. 2.SOSP post comment mentions ''please create a single tooltip that can be sent to them for easy reading'' and ''please recreate the post in another forum''. Can you explain the details for both of these,please? Cause as much as I know, they should be posted on Bugs&Suggestions under Suggestions tag and I don't know what you mean by ''single tooltip''. For the request, a request submit for faster release of Itachi BT would be great. Thank you.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-07-02 11:11:05
Skillbreak Ideas #9 - SOSP Naruto(UPDATED)
I can relate to your idea but still, 5 stars would be extreme. 4 star is more than enough, trust me Also, I changed it overall. Give it another look.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-07-02 09:54:49
Skillbreak Ideas #9 - SOSP Naruto(UPDATED)
Appreciate the whole comment,plus yours is comment I'm looking for. A way better than people judging the post because SOSP. I saw these type in first Bee post as well. They encourage me. Also, I agree on your ''This is too much'' argument but let's look at one of recent ninjas: Ashura. This unit also has everything(that includes permanent defence boost) which I don't approve but in case of SOSP, it is worth talking about. Let me explain. 1.To be honest,I don't like this unit but I'm a F2P player myself. Plus, SOSP is still No.1 choice of most F2P players' in EN. That's why I chose him. Think of this as my gift to my F2P brothers. 2.Your example on other units' power gain are on point. Naruto is also a one-man army but let's be honest about one thing. SOSP teams are boring and same since day 1 of his arrival in EN. Killer Bee - Shisui - Naruto or Killer Bee - Itachi - Naruto. Same cliche everywhere. Barrier support is put as an excuse to get rid of Shisui. Defence when alone is an excuse to just use him as a position 1 and play around with remaining slots. I want to CHANGE the teams based on SOSP totally. He is just a placeholder. Just a tool for power-fantasy or Arena fantasy(which I love doing it,wthiout SOSP of course).That's why this post exists but yeah, ''This is too much'' argument still remains true. 3.My argument for scaling is quite simple: Immunity Surpressors everywhere nowadays and power difference exists in especially this game. Ronin also has 2 scaling tool but he is a dead unit in CN. Even with this skillbreak, SOSP won't survive in CN meta because people will keep using Madara 10T - GNW Madara- Karin. Plus, let's not forget that Tencent loves overloading every skillbreak. Units with not-fitting skills, changes that doesn't make sense. We will suffer this until the day this game dies. 4.Thank god,someone agrees me on Bond Mystery. UNS series is full of impressive attacks but only thing they do is adding some of them to this game with 144P resolution. Best examples are RinneSharingan Sasuke and Madara 10T. These units's mysteries are literally half-cutten 144P animations from UNS. Why? Also, I have to mention 2 Bond Skills that exist but never implemented. DPB Hidan - Kakuzu and Itachi - Susanoo Sasuke. Tencet keeps these two in a cellar for years for nothing. Just use them already. Overall, I agree with you. Idea is too loaded but SOSP himself is just a fantasy tool. I'm open to any helpful suggestions because I love adding different details to everything. For now,let's go with simple power boosts. Let's see if it helps.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-07-02 09:54:49
Skillbreakthrough Ideas #3 - Killer Bee(Seven Swords Style)
Makes sense. Maybe 50% Shield + 40% Attack/Ninjutsu works. Let's try.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-24 03:23:30
Skillbreakthrough Ideas #4 - Minato(Jonin)
I'm player-friendly. 3 stars of course.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-24 02:03:32
Skillbreakthrough Ideas #4 - Minato(Jonin)
Ok,I did my research for your answer and found out this: It's actually Initiative but due to some reasons I'm unaware of, Speed is also used in EN translations. Interesting thing is, CN Wiki page mentions both of them as well. So, result is I saw term ''Speed'' somewhere in game and thought of it as its own stat. It's my fault. Sorry about that, fixing the post right away.
Bugs & Support
2020-04-24 02:03:32