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2017-07-26 21:35:07
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2017-09-19 15:20:34
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2017-09-19 15:18:34
Group Summon
??? I don't understand this post. You set your group summon on Sunday to do the event on Monday. That means that you had a try remaining on Sunday. However on Monday, once you finished the summon capture it says you only have 1/2 tries remaining for the week. In summary you used your remaining Sunday try from last week and one of the 2 tries from this week to do summon capture on Monday. Just as what was previously reported.
General Discussion
2017-09-20 03:34:51
Adv. Thread
I can confirm that advanced threads are NOT in SA. My server (407) just recently got merged with 3 others and we asked on the general chat last week if anyone ever had received advanced threads from SA. No one did. A server with 40+ active accounts (present at the time) doing 7 tries of SA in expert yields about 280 rewarding attempts just last week. There are thus 2 possibilities: - Advanced threads HAVE NOT been implemented to the game, contrary to what the mods have been saying. - More worrying, the probability of getting an advanced thread is equal to the chance of getting a jackpot ninja from events (around 0.1%). I choose to believe that the threads have not been added yet and the mods got the wrong info. I hope they will ask again in order to rectify their previous statements.
General Discussion
2017-09-12 04:35:57
Rednubes - Western Naruto lineup simulator
This simulator os great. Plus as a bonus we get the skill descritpion of the future ninjas such as Madara. Excellent!
2020-07-10 07:59:02
Events - 7th September
For the upteenth time, DONT TRY TO GET JACKPOT NINJAS. The odds are so low its not worth the shot you will always end up loosing. For more information on the odds and the probability i invite you to look at the event feedback thread. Anyways unless the odds are published only go for items who have a fixed value. In the forums you can find the avreage cost/frag for any ninja or item in almost all events, if you ever decide to spend in this game again make sure you will get the best vlue for your money. As a side note, the mission boxes are excellent for f2p due to the huge aount of points you get for free, but imo they are not that good to spend on. Lucky board has much better returns for coupons spent and the lucky ninja packs have better rewards overall.
2017-09-13 23:19:10
PSA Susanoo Sasuke Is...
SSasuke is a good ninja but not a game breaker ninja. He needs a strong lineup to be of use and he is no tank. If you take a look at the space time battles you will see that SSusanoo is almost never used, the only times ive seen him is when players wnat to test a lineup aganst an opponent. The current meta offers ninjas who are much more versatile with better skill sets such as Roshi, sailor, Minato jonin, 9 tails naruto or kage tsunade. Although SSasuke is very expensive he is not a ninja that will alow you to win in PVP.
General Discussion
2017-09-21 11:22:23
Event Feedbacks - 7th September
Server : 407 (merged) Region : UK Current BP : 70K Events : Mission Mobilization and all events that include jackpot ninjas Opinion : The playerbase needs to be told the odds of jackpot ninjas in events that include box openings, wheel spins, etc. Reasoning : The odds of getting a ninja are ridiculously low to the point that even a moderate spender like me DOES NOT want to take a chance since i don't even know what I'm in for. Most heavy spenders ormoderate spenders now know that its better to spend on surefire events than jackpot ones since the odds are terrible. Add to that the reputation this game has with all the scandals and you get the current situation. Not giving the odds to us makes us su*ious and understandably so. Suggestions : Publish the odds of getting jackpot ninjas. As a bonus for everyne who is interested. This is the formula for calculating the probability of a succesfull event from random independent draws: 1-(1-p)^n Where p is the probability of getting for example the jackpot ninja and n is the number of draws. Long story short, with a 1% chance of drawing a ninja you need 300+ draws to haveover 95% chances of getting him in said series. If the probability drops to 0.1% (Which is what players suspect the probability to be at), drawing 2500 gives you a probability of 91.8% so still have 1 out of 10 chances of notgetting anything.
2017-09-14 00:01:01
Plunder Drama
It's bad behavior and against the rules to plunder your own Alta exclusively. That being said rule enforcement in this game... Anyways what can he possibly do to you or the others besides whining? You can't plunder more than 3 times a day, even if he is in sage with you that means he controls several accounts and won't get rewards in his main one plus camping is not that easy. Ignore him and keep plundering his accounts as per the rules
General Discussion
2017-09-03 20:34:54
[Ninja Exam]
ninja exam 100 3.0
Water main lineup works prefectly fine after 3.0. Hell if you skill broke sasuke it might work better. Sasuke 3+ stars - x - x x - x - Hinata 3+ stars (5 ideally) WM - x - Naruto 3+ stars Talents: 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 Summon: Chameleon Turn 1: naruto must NOT be blinded by tobirama. Use sasuke mystery to replace hashirama barrier. Turn 2: Naruto mystery on minato, he must NOT dodge Turn 3: sasuke mystery on tobirama Trun 4: replace hashirama barrier again, naruto mystery on whoever is still alive. Original video:
2017-11-23 15:20:50
Hashirama pull chance
The chances seem to be between 1 and 0.1%. This means that if you were to open 100-1000 packs (depending on the actual chance), you would have a bit over 60% chance of having opened him. NEVER go for jackpot ninja, the chances are so ridiculously small that you will probably never get it. The only event that seems to be a bit better than most is the SPENDING slot machine, there you will still need around 100-200 spins to get the jackpot ninja anyways. If you really want hashirama, use seal scrolls or directly save coupons for when it appears in treasure of the sage or other events (he goeas at ~16k). On a side note, we have asked time and time again for the odds of the treasures. We have never had a response. This combines with Oasis track record has made many believe that they actually cheat with the odds. Unfortunately we have no proof of either them doing things right or cheating, so speculation and resentment only grows in the community.
General Discussion
2017-09-02 01:43:13
Automatic Barrier Priority
Just to emphasize because i first i had trouble understanding this as well. It's the sum of the initiative from ALL your active ninjas that count. So the initiative of your move 1,2,3 AND 4 ninja added up together. The team that has the higher initiative overall gets to keep their barrier. The position of your ninja or initiative of the barrier ninja wont get you the barrier if you loose it to anothet team. You need to increase the initiative af your lineup.
General Discussion
2017-08-31 06:33:11