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2017-07-24 20:13:19
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2021-06-17 08:04:26
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2021-06-17 08:04:26
New Event Cycle - 17th of June
Finally! I can get my hands on SakuraCloak.
2021-06-21 07:29:17
Naruto Nerf Suggestion
I'd prefer if they add a Retreat *on ALWAYS in ALL PVP modes especially Decisive Bonds. Whenever I see that Naruto 6p with blue aura around it even though their power is below 10k-50k of my power and both of them have it, I just want to retreat and queue for the next fight but ALAS! There's no retreat *on and I'll have to wait until they're done. There's no way I can beat that OP nin with my non-meta team. For anyone who thinks I'm in favor of nerfing Naruto 6p, read the previous paragraph again but this time slowly and with a dictionary in hand just in case there are terms you don't understand. It's Naruto guys. We finally have a strong version of him that befits the title of the game. My proposal is just to add a retreat *on on all PVP matches and modes. Just don't want to waste time waiting for an inevitable loss and I'd rather spend it queuing for a next fight..
Bugs & Support
2021-06-10 21:23:13
[Player Guide]
Healing Tips buff info
They also boost the amount recovered of those ninjas who recover HP every time they get hit (GNW Sakura, Cloak Sakura, New Year Hashirama), Choji's and Choza's healing rate as well when they eat, ninjas who get healed every time your team recovers chakra like Jirobo and Yamato. I remembered when in the old days when Azure mains in my server had cloak Sakura on the frontline and that was before almost all new ninjas had OP AOE attacks, can spam standard attacks, etc and as a Tank Earth main they were a pain in the * because of the 4% HP recovered + Healing Tips boost.
2021-06-03 09:05:05
New Main Changes for 5/27/20201
Hopefully. I really like to test out the WR: BF's supposed 7% Def and 5% Ref buff stacks since I'm using a Tank Earth Main. I'll miss the Tank/TaiDam Earth Main. I have a question though. Does Res buff stacks diminish the DOT damage of Poison? I've tried using the ER:BT but notice the DOT damage of Poison stayed the same as it was even though I kept getting hit a lot. I always had a theory even way back then when Def was only receiving buff stacks that there is a limit to it (10 stacks I think). Only my 79k Earth Main (1 ninja) vs 52k with 3 teams (12 ninjas) in Ranked Battle so Earth Main was taking all the hits)... Start of Round 2: 6776 Start of Round 3: 6776 Start of Round 4: 6776
General Discussion
2021-06-02 20:44:13
New Main Changes for 5/27/20201
Water Release Bottom Force is still 10% Atk and 5% Def. Checked the Nature Cultivation option and under Water Elements Sensory IV, the Earth Release Bottom Force still at 7% Atk and 5% Def. Either they missed this, or this was intentional to make it different from the Chinese version and so you can choose for Tank (Earth Release Bottom Force: 5% Def, 5% Res buff stacks) or Tank/TaiDam (Water Release: 10% Atk, 5% Def buff stacks) Earth Main.
General Discussion
2021-06-02 20:44:13
New Main Changes for 5/27/20201
I kinda like and hate the changes but at least they're trying to make it better. Earth Main... -Old Skill Guidance definitely needed a rework (was kinda useful when I cleared Ninja Exam 299 and that was probably the only time I used it) but I'm having doubts on the Super Armor not being removable even by Super Armor removers. Hopefully it really is not removable (in the long run). -50/50 on the new Bottom Force. Replacing the Attack buff stacks with Resistance buff stacks is kinda nice especially with the upcoming irremovable Toxic/Toxin which I hope still has the damage formula of Poison (DOT damage reduced by Resistance) but still kinda *s because I'll miss the Tank/TaiDam type Earth Main. Hopefully at least 1 or both will give out additional 5% buff (10% Def/5% Res, 5% Def/10% Res, 10% Def/10% Res) on the Second Nature version. -Only used the old Steel Body on Arena and will probably still so I'll still probably * to the Second Nature 40% Def and Res boost to whole team buff Lightning Main... -I like the rework on Heart Flux. Don't know if only New Year Hashirama can do it (just got back from the game, been playing for almost a month now) but I hated that debuff that reduces your max team chakra to below 100 so this rework kinda works in favor of my Light main but I'll definitely miss that Light Main blitzing in later rounds in Ranked Battle and Strong Approaching. -I 100% like the rework on CCT. MK summon ability now is just an upgrade instead of a necessity if you want to use the Second Nature Mystery cooldown buff. My only concern is I haven't unlocked the Second Nature version yet. LOL! Keep up the good job, Oasis!
General Discussion
2021-06-02 20:44:13
Group summons
Oh. That's nice. Thanks for the info!
General Discussion
2021-05-08 15:02:14
facebook login
I think you need access first to your account to do that but since we can't login... UNLESS there's a way you can do it without logging in then we're just gonna have to wait some sort of fix for this.
Bugs & Support
2021-05-01 11:57:14
facebook login
Same here. Additional info: I was able to login this morning though and do the usual routines but I noticed I kept disconnecting on my FB-based account around GMT+8 10am or 11am then suddenly it was okay, while my website/client-based account was doing well. I was using these 2 different accounts on the same time, same servers, but different login clients (the one that kept disconnecting was FB login, while this one is website/client login).
Bugs & Support
2021-05-01 11:57:14
New event cycle - 17th of May
Another breakthrough just 7 days after Tenten's... Hmmm...
2018-05-23 20:19:16