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2017-07-24 19:52:22
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2017-07-24 21:32:20
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2017-07-24 21:32:20
Power Decrease
Oops I read this the wrong way around - nevermind me XD This post was last edited by Iansanity at 2017-2-8 21:31
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:32:23
Events - 2nd February
I lol'd when I saw the rewards for the fishing event, then again you posted this. It's the event that keeps on giving!
2017-07-24 21:32:29
Events - 2nd February
I think this might be a bit harsh? The month they had was pretty much all holiday, where they probably didn't have many devs on board. Even then, with the sheer amount of new features and bugs being pumped out/tested - it's unlikely that this was a top priority (Mission box/Matsuri challenge issues over the same time period).As for the hype around the packs themselves, I would suggest keeping your expectations low, a "strong ninja" might be Konan coming back for the 15th million time this 1 month old year. All of this arguing over a free thing that will show up eventually seems like getting your hopes up :D
2017-07-24 21:32:29
Events - 2nd February
Yay, Lucky board! I don't understand the entitlement/negativity from so many people during a good event cycle. Have some understanding for the devs, they roll out huge new features every other week, with relatively few bugs given the size and speed at which these are coming out. It's the customer service which needs improvement, but if they're constantly bombarded with a stream of unfocused negativity I can't really blame them either!If you're going to complain, have a point, and a suggestion - you won't get anywhere whining that you feel bad.
2017-07-24 21:32:29
[Advanced Master]
Lightning Armor Meta
The following has worked for me:Using this grid7 4 18 5 29 6 3Try: Iruka (with your best refines) in 1. Water main in 4, using water clone and monster strength.Mei at 7PB Sasuke would be ideal for the 4th slot (can combo with chakra blade + monkey king that way + 5 hit chase for Iruka + he adds another shield), otherwise fill it with anything to bridge your own combo). I like Skewering for the Mystery to remove all of the buffs on a target round 2.Their lightning main will usually be at their 1, sometimes it's an Iruka.Turn 1: - Interrupt lightning armor if you can (if you're too slow, it's not the end of the world) - if they have WB Asuma, they can sit on lightning armor and use their own Iruka - in this case, just hope they combo the water clone instead of Iruka (who can sometimes dodge), look out for the lightning armor skill appearing over their main - highlight their main and hover shuriken.- Let water clone tank the combo (with Iruka shield it'll always survive a lightning armor barrage until the combo goes off)- Water main Monster strength Lightning main/Iruka (usually followed by combo)Turn 2: (Note where Guy/Iruka are, to see if you can mystery before them)If you can mystery first, use it to kill a key target, or immbolise/debuff a high damage one (with Skewer/Mei).If not, water main will monster strength again to start the comboTurn 3:Mei mystery. Careful of interupt on their sideTurn 4:Lightning main will have lightning armor again.Reasoning:WB Asuma + Lightning armor needs its explosive turn one, or it's finished - counter that turn and it's not so bad. This team runs no clones/distractions - so monster strength will always find a target (unless that target is a evading Iruka).Water clone will always have the lowest HP on your team turn 1 (if they use assassination blade, else Iruka can dodge the ray of light standard attack).Opposing team rarely runs Root of Warrior (weak to control) or lightning clone (weak to monster strength).Iruka adds padding and interupt to survive round 1 (if he can break the opposing Iruka's shield with his mystery before opposing main can move, then Asuma is a wasted slot).This is how I deal with them, have a pretty good track record so far - RNG sometimes isn't nice to you vs Iruka, but that's how it goes. This post was last edited by Iansanity at 2017-2-1 09:45 This post was last edited by Iansanity at 2017-2-1 09:50
2017-07-24 21:29:42
[Event] Mission Gift Boxes
Replying to paying customers with "You need to realize" is terrible customer service. I understand the bug was unforeseen, the timing was terrible over the holidays and I'm sure your skeleton staff have been stretched. Having said that, there is no excuse for a customer service agent, officially representing the company, to vent frustration at the paying customers. YOU need to realise that the response given is the bare minimum at the 11th hour. You need to realise that passing the blame on to the mods only advertises internal incompetence.You need to realise that we know we're trading real currency for a made up one, in a made up economy, where you can literally type whatever you like into existence, and choose not to. Opting instead to barely cover the initial loss (or not, as leftover points will be scrapped by this compensation model), and ignore the trust lost.You need to realise that we can go elsewhere with our money.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:31:58