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2017-07-24 19:04:45
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2017-07-24 21:50:54
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2017-07-24 21:50:54
Needing answers not closed threads.
Hold up so in your opinion if you were affected by the bug but didn't realize that taking a full screenshot was going to be the ONLY way you could receive any kind of compensation IN THE FUTURE then your SOL? Yeah, that's a MARVELOUS attitude to take with the people that supply your income. This was the first bug I have had to deal with so I didn't know that I would have to provide do*entation on a bug to prove I was affected by it. I said something during the week the bug happened, BEFORE any kind of compensation thread had been started by OASIS. Doesn't that in itself PROVE I was hit by their glitch? The whole "no compensation and you are out a week of ti/sa" is kind of like them urinating in a wound THEY caused, but that's ok with you?
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:54
Ti/Sa Compensation without screenshots.
Anjira it is and they probably do they just can't be bothered. If they don't then their management is seriously lacking.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:51:24
Ti/Sa Compensation without screenshots.
It really irritates me that they feel they can take an attitude of "whatever, man" with their customer base. I'm a p2w, but I don't have deep pockets. I've given maybe over $200 over 6 months, which makes me a paying customer. The fact that they can take such a stance with a bug that should not have happened to begin with, and then take an attitude like this after people ask for a compensation really pisses me off.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:51:24
Why aren't the mods replying to your Threads!?
It's basic. I cannot sympathize. These guys are worse than EA. I have dealt with fallout and losing player confidence. It's easy to make a mistake like a bug but it's just as easy to make a proper apology with compensation. This attitude they are cultivating is horrific. For a Bandai authorized they are making Bandai look bad.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:49
Why aren't the mods replying to your Threads!?
I'm with you the on the bug compensation. I was a moron and tossed out my screenshot (it wasn't even a full on screenshot because I just took it to show my friends and I was under the impression that OASIS monitored their game and players closely enough to know who gets affected by what bug at which time. Silly me I thought the company cared) and someone showed me there is an ENTIRE thread that Tobei closed with people of a similar problem. A thread 23 pages long. I asked Tobei if I could get the compensation since I was affected by it and said something when a thread first opened about it and all I get is "sorry without a screenshot my hands are tied." I have asked to be the GL for my combined servers. Response was, "Sorry we aren't doing that for your servers." REALLY? OASIS THIS is why your customers hate you. I am a game developer, I KNOW what it takes to create, program, test, debug, manage, and add content into a multi-server based online game. Do you know what the easiest part of the entire process is? LISTENING TO YOUR PLAYERS!!!!! You created the GL position with the purpose of being a DIRECT link to your player base, and good on you for that, but then you don't utilize that position? I'm sorry but that is just idiotic management. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-3-29 04:11
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:49
Needing answers not closed threads.
I did not know that. and I just checked but Tobei closed the thread.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:54
Ti/Sa compensation
Indeed. I'm pretty sure I submitted screenshots of my bugged ti/sa, and I haven't gotten mine either.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:18
Server Merge Request - 20th March
1. Server ID: S144 (Out of merged 141-144-149)2. Server Region: LA3. Server Age: Estimated 5 Months4. Sage Battlefield: 3 Sage World Battlefields (Avg. 12 participants on each field)5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 13 mins6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : Unsure7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 5 (3 of which have only enough for two teams if that)8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 46k, AVG Top 10 : 40K, AVG Top 20 : 35k
ShadowNinja S27
2017-07-24 21:54:48
Ti/Sa compensation
I will patiently await the individual compensation. Seriously though this should be taken care of by wensday
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:18
TI/SA Compensation is a JOKE
So I'm not gonna yell at you guys (OASIS) because coming from a game development background I can understand why this kind of thing might happen, especially with a multiplayer game of this magnitude (servers) but I would be lying if I said that the fact you have now sent out two compensation gifts to everyone regardless of whether they were affected or not stings. The INDIVIDUAL compensation is a decent gesture at an apology but it would be more effective if you guys were a tad more expedient with it's delivery. I would enjoy, as I'm sure the rest of my fellow players affected by the bug would, greatly appreciate it if the individual compensation would be delivered by today. Thank you.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:18