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John Dope
John Dope
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2017-07-24 19:56:27
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2018-12-05 21:11:43
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
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2018-12-07 00:37:38
Good ninjas in FUKUROKOMARU
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2018-12-11 06:59:46
Good ninjas in FUKUROKOMARU
shisui is not worthless in terms of usability. You can still use him in Hiruzen teams, Kushina teams .... But in terms of how outdated he is, Even f2p on my server got those 4 or even 5* due to the fact they are available for months and have been in billion wheels as well as redeem events. But new and good ninjas like edo yagura, jinchuuriki bee, anbu yamato, summer sakura .... those should be available in those events. Either them or ninjas like ... old super rares. Ay, Sus. Sasuke .... or new ninjas like Edo Hiruzen, Tobi, Rinne Sasuke, 6P Naruto ... with less frags even. I would rather get 40 6p Naruto frags for 20k fukurokomaru than get 80 frags of 8 months old ninja ....
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2018-12-11 06:59:46
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
uhm .... bro? Who da hell would use Edo Hashi in sage :D SWB is all about win fast or lose fast and go on. Edo Hashi is good in 3v3 arena, bonds, GNW .. or in 1v1 fights where you do not have to "fight" time as well. The reason he is better is simply thanks to his spells. He is better support ninja thanks to his chases and chakra steal, not to mention heal for senjutsu users aka minato, wind main/water main with the right talent etc. He better move 1 ninja as well tho coz his mystery cannot be avoided so he will stop all those minatos, naruto etc. over their evade while also stealing 100 chakra so that as long as your opponent is slower ... he will basically never use mystery. He also has bond with Edo Tobirama for Hiruzen teams as edo tobirama with barrier is usually better than shisui in round 1 blitz teams with edo hiruzen..
Bugs & Support
2018-12-07 00:37:38
Good ninjas in FUKUROKOMARU
Well .... 10 sage hashi frags for "just" 20k cps is ... well .... a big NO CHANCE :D but 4-5 ... reasonable imho. 20k cps is not hard to achieve if you save only for Fukurokomaru combo with stars.
Bugs & Support
2018-12-11 06:59:46
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
Well tbh my focus is on Edo Hashi in events more than Sus. Itachi for cps :D but it would be reasonable if he is gone from recharge/spend events in Hashi's favor. As I said ... he is not even taht good anymore. I'd trade 1* higher jonin minato over Sus. itachi anytime
Bugs & Support
2018-12-07 00:37:38
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
Tbh nor Itachi nor Hashi are move 1 ninjas. They are support ninjas and well ... immobile on chase, another 2 ninjas immobile on second chase and stealing 100 chakra = as long as your ini is higher and you use ninjas like minato or naruto ... opponent will never use a single mystery till he dies .. well .... you can't even compare the two. Hashi is from completely different universe :D
Bugs & Support
2018-12-07 00:37:38
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
Well .... in 1 year he might be long past "expiration date" same as Sus. Itachi these days. He is pretty much useless these days, unless you have your move 2 stacked as well in teams like Itachi + Edo Hiruzen. That way you can stop enemy Hiruzen with your itachi and then IK enemy team with your move 1 hiruzen. But only like 2-3 people all around the EU servers got their move 2 that strong. I mean ... he is not useless. But he is just not OP as he used to be. So many people are using immune teams, evade teams or Kurenai/Fire main mirror teams these days. It is not easy to find a good place for him. Thus it would be better to have Edo Hashi while he is OP/super strong. Rather than get him when he is just mediocre. Edo Hashi at least got an advantage in being rly good move 1 ninja as well as support ninja to heal Senjutsu users and just steal chakra. Still .... I'd like to be able to get at least 5 frags monthly from platinum recharge redeem (800 ingots per frag) and hopefully some frags with recharge during platinum recharge. So far I have been lucky to get 1-2 Sus. Itachi frags with 500 ingots recharge. Would simply be nice to trade it for Hashi. It would also be nice if moderators did their job a little :) I mean ... I see 90% topics unanswered for months. Not dealt with at all. Seems kinda sad.
Bugs & Support
2018-12-07 00:37:38
Trade Edo Hashi for Sus Itachi
basically the worst one in the game. Heard people say they recharged 30k for 1x second prize :D that's why I think the most crucial event is platinum recharge where you can buy 2 frags daily for 1600 ingots. I mean ... every p2w on my server already got him, simply because they bought 3k seals. Is time for the rest to have a chance at getting him while he is good as well
Bugs & Support
2018-12-07 00:37:38
New Event Cycle - October 25th
Uhm .. 1 simple rule: follow CN :) by now we should have gotten every single basic ninja skillbreak. Guy, Asuma etc. etc. Also don't release new ninjas at all, for months now. How are f2p supposed to catch up to meta. Also there are basically only 2-3 events people like to get ninjas from: lucky star + fuku, world tree for that yellow essence and lucky board. Bcz those are the only events with worthy side rewards. And those events need to have meta ninjas at all times. 5k Madara, Minato Jonin, Deidara, Edo Tobirama, Summer Sakura and Anbu Yamato.. ninjas like that. For half a year there has not been a good fukurokomaru. Last was when you could get 80 deidara frags from wheel, 80 deidara from fukurokomaru and claim the rest from redeem to make him 4* plus also get Angel Konan from there. We need good combo events like this. With Madara, Ay, Edo Tobi, New Bee .. simply good ninjas. Not some useless Hinata and Izanagi Danzo lol. And these meta ninjas need to always be available in redeem shops of events. Not lucky full 80 frags.
2018-10-31 21:13:48