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2017-07-24 19:07:59
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2018-05-25 07:23:26
New Event Cycle - 24th of May
Thanks for bringing back the "Yes, Master!" clothing in a good event, Missions General Mobilization (I can finally finish piecing it together, with the free points too). One thing I will comment on is that the redeem shop for that event overall has been lackluster. Primarily, the last two items in there. One clothing option and three ninja fragment options is great, but the last two are not. Mystery gems can be obtained in the Group Shop, and pretty cheaply too, so I don't see why it's a redeemable item here. Medium threads are pretty easy to get from other areas of the game, I think. These two items could definitely be replaced with any combination of the following: charm packs, refine optional packs, or advanced threads. It would improve the redeem shop overall, and be more appealing to players who may not be interested (or already have) the ninja fragments or clothing fragments already offered in the redeem shop. Also, one thing I've noticed, why is the "Yes, Master!" clothing set up with 100 redeemable fragments when only 50 is needed? As for the other events; -The seal rebate is great and always appreciated. -Red Envelope/Shinobi Feast is so-so. I'm not personally interested in recharging so the only part I'm utilizing is the Arena Training portion.-Sunflower Covenant is a restyle of the previous flower event (I don't remember what it was called), yes? I personally never found that event any good, even when I was recharging. -Lucky Stars Wheel is okay. I've had some luck with it in the past, after using a fair amount of coupons/ingots. However lately I've seen less and less players getting lucky with the wheel. I've rarely used the points on ninja fragments there since I've felt that the points requirement per frag was always on the high side for most of them. I've almost always put the points towards myoboku gifts or charm packs, so that's not terrible. -Gift Pack's Special Offer is okay, although I've never spent on it. -Battle Armor Panic Buy, I've never invested in. -Battle Armor Rebate is always appreciated, I just wish the event would be the entire week instead of a few days later on. -Konoha's Puzzle is a nice little free event, but it would be better if it didn't drop coins. -Jonin Medal Renewal is good too for those who use it. Glad to see it coming around more often, at least.
2018-05-29 00:48:49
Summer Memories Activites: Reset Issue
UID: 200000083872010 Character Name: Koji Server ID: S51:Sai Screenshot:
Bugs & Support
S:339 Gale fan
2017-11-29 17:40:27
Summer Memories Did Not Reset
Well, that's lame and a bit frustrating. Guess I'll just make sure to be offline 12am-5am for the rest of the week. =/
Bugs & Support
2017-11-25 09:52:12
Summer Memories Did Not Reset
So far the only thing I can think of is that being online in the game after 12am/0:00 (regardless of having a jonin medal or not, the auto sign in might not matter in this case), is making the event bug out. The two other group mates that are having this issue as well were logged in past that time, but everything else regarding dailies or tasks for the event were done before midnight. Of those saying they are having the same issue, do you recall if you were online after midnight?
Bugs & Support
2017-11-25 09:52:12
Summer Memories Did Not Reset
Hmm, well, I know I completed the tasks before 12am/0:00 in case they reset then (this was before I knew they reset at 5am). The only thing I was doing past midnight was hotsprings, and then using the stamina. I do have the jonin medal so I was automatically checked off for the next day's sign in. It's possible that had something to do with all of the tasks not resetting I guess. However, a group mate who does not have the jonin medal is also having the issue of the tasks/event not resetting, and they didn't do the sign in for today until this morning around 10am server time, so it was after the 5am reset.
Bugs & Support
2017-11-25 09:52:12
Adjustment to Platinum Recharge Event
I saw someone make a similar comment on this in the Events thread, and someone replied saying that it's only effecting the right side (where you need to recharge for a full week). That was just shortened, but the event is still running the same amount of time. So, we should be able to still get the "missing day's" rewards. Meaning, on Wednesday, the player will already have the right side rewards (assuming the player recharged 6 days in a row) and then the player can recharge for the daily reward, therefore getting the missing rewards/fragments. The collection of the rewards will just be slightly out of order. I hope that made sense ._.Anyway, I just hope to get some clarity from a mod, it just doesn't come across clearly to me.
Bugs & Support
2017-10-22 09:25:24
[Midnight Blade]
midnight blade ninetail team
I would go with Sasuke, Lightning Main, Guy, and Tenten (regular is fine) in that order.Sasuke as 1st position to launch his barrier as soon as possible in the first round to further buff your lightning units. Guy for the attack buff. Tenten for the crit buff. Use Sasuke round 1, then your main and Guy round 2, Sasuke round 3, and then Tenten round 4. For talents, use the lightning armor mystery, beam of light standard, chase doesn't matter, lightning enhancement, and bloodthirsty passive, and tonton summon. You can go with Kakashi over Tenten if you want since he'll get the barrier buff. However, he doesn't have a high combo chase. Also, since the lightning enhancement passive only effects 3 units, it's not going to land on the same 3 units every battle with a full lightning team. I prefer Tenten overall since that way the where the enhancement lands is controlled, plus an extra buff to the whole team.
General Discussion
2017-10-21 16:39:27
Space-Time BUGs Hunting Contest
Server ID: S51 SaiCharacter's Name: KojiUID: 200000083872010Bug Location: MailHow did it happen?: Space Time has been down all day today it seems, so I don't know if this would really count as a bug.Bug Description: Did not receive the daily ranking rewards for Space Time at 22:00 server time. What is shown is my most recent mail, which is the rewards for the Ranked Battle ranking rewards sent at 21:00 server time.Print screen(s): This post was last edited by Rinley at 2017-4-20 10:46
2017-07-24 22:09:59
Help with Group Leadership Problem
Aw, that stinks. I know he'll be offline for 7 days somewhere in the afternoon before war. I guess when/if we manage to down vote him in time, I'll take a look and find out. So, there's a small bit of hope, haha.Alrighty. Thank you for the help, Daiske! I really appreciate it.* Edit: Turns out I might be mistaken. The 7 day mark will be on Friday I think, so that should be a better chance of the packs still being available. This post was last edited by Rinley at 2016-11-22 13:07
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:05:42
Server Merge for S56 and S72!
For now, anyway. They're most likely starting with one merge to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. That, and I'm going to guess that there's a lot involved in a server merge.
2017-07-24 21:12:53