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2017-07-24 19:29:35
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2018-05-26 12:23:15
Kakashi [Anbu] Lineups
anbu Kakashi x anbu itachi x x x Lightning main x Darui I have been running into this team in arena, and that team is *ly powerful... can easily take down a ninja in my team to 1/4 life... 1/2... for 2 other ninjas, 3/4 for the last then ignition can take out one of them... it's crazy powerful... then next round darui can stop my combos round 2... and they easily kill me by round 3. It's like the water meta - Mabui, GNW tenten, mei, and water main on roids x10... granted there aren't shields with that team... but yea... doesn't really matter with how fast that team can take out one ninja in the blink of an eye. xD
2020-12-18 18:10:26
Arena (Not complaining)
I suspect that stars of a ninja may very well play a role in arena fights. As for the thing about the water main meta team as someone who uses/has used the "cancer" meta water, mei, mabui, and gnw 1010... I agree it is overused, but meh it's whatever I ignore the game half of the time anyways... hence why I run it while in arena. #AutoIsTheLife xD - I know it's weaknesses well, and could counter it well enough if I wanted too, but as stated I just ignore the game while fighting in pvp or else I'd drive myself nuts with the things I find ridiculous in games... innate advantages is no stranger to me... it is what it is, we have to accept it and move on, as some complaints will never be listened too sadly. No need to waster your breadth/time getting angry over something that is likely going to go unchanged for quite some time sadly.
General Discussion
2017-09-21 18:11:40
[Strong Approaching]
WTF is this new SA
I too was able to auto it in a team of 3, it took me several tries to figure it out, but yea it is doable on auto. I will upload a video to a new youtube account tomorrow, and hopefully it wont take too long to upload it... slow internet is slow. Either way for now: A few tips, A screenshot and talents used: 1. Every team should have a healer. 2. The most important thing I can think of is just make sure your tanky team is in the middle, and have someone like kisame/danzo in that tanky team, as both of them help a lot in stopping more damage coming your way in round 3, and make sure jigokudo is alive in round 4. (If he dies it goes south far easier in round 4) The first set of ninjas, and the second set is pretty much a tank and spank there is nothing special there, round 3 is honestly the toughest part of this SA, sure round 4 can be a little tricky, but yea... round 3 is rougher. BP - 65K - 72k Wind Main Talents: 3, 2, 4, 3, 4 - Gold Snake Summon Fire Main Talents: (Side note did it on auto with this exact team as a water main same setup... different skills for main obviously) : TALENTS: 2, 4, 4, 4, 3 - Gold Dog Summon Water Main: 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 - Gold Tiger - I hope this helps people and maybe they can even tweak it to make it work for them. (I also realize I got real lucky with some of the ninjas I used, as have my friends Shuraka, and Kenihara, but I assure you none of these are insane P2W ninjas, and there are a few ninjas you could try subbing in... if you don't have a couple of these ninjas, just play around a little bit and pay attention to what each of the ninjas do... if they don't do something very similar... expect to fail.) Like for example if you need to replace Danzo, try to replace him with someone like Onoki in the exact same position. (Both have a strong potential to stop unwanted damage in round 3, and of course if you replace a ninja be sure to tweak your main skills as well to make sure you get full combos throughout.)
2017-09-11 23:54:22
When you going to nerf these BS healing teams?
^ Agreed, just because something has counters it doesn't mean it isn't overpowered. (Just look at other games... namely yugioh... BLS:EOB even when it first came out had a few ways here and there to counter it, but it can and still does a crap ton of damage before it can be removed, it isn't as damaging these days due to the new counters too it/along with people actually realizing it's weakness(es)....)The earth main meta and shields were/are nothing compared to the ridiculousness of the 3 heals team, they require far too much luck/insanely good timing (aka absolutely no lag once-soever) to even remotely be beatable.Even the mei/tenten gnw/mabui team is nothing compared to the * heals, so many teams can easily counter it with skill, and while its true that the same can be said of beating heal teams, it is FAR harder to pull off, its like a difficulty of 9 compared to a difficulty of like 4 or 5 to beat any other meta before these heal teams became a bit too mainstream. Either way I understand its something that is here, and make no mistake about it people will abuse the hell out of it until the meta changes, which obviously I and others sincerely hope it comes sooner rather than later... aka it can't come fast enough, as many of us find it way entirely too cheap.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:11:29
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 137 Water Main
hmm... my guess would be: 3 (Due to the heals he (or she) mentions in round 2)(2 or 3... I can see either one of them being useful there for what that teams tries to accomplish.) 3 (Chase thanks to naruto + guarenteed crit hit)2 (For the nuerotoxin/chaos from the chase)2 (The poison.)So... 3, (2 or 3), 3, 2, 2Summon... I'd suggest Lightning tiger, or the purple tiger... main being in the last spot shouldn't stop the garra from chasing/causing the knockdown main needs. (Aka HIGH FLOAT into REPLUSE for summon)
2017-10-31 09:58:11
best line up to beat earth main
Both do indeed have their pro's and con's. Having hinata in there is a real good idea, her chase acu can be real useful. :) I'd suggest the first lineup over the second one just due to the fact that most earth mains in version 1 ran it with steel body... that poison damage from shizune will be way easier to pull off than the ignitions/cancels/acu of the second one.Where the second one would shine at is if they are running 2x healers, and you need to try to cancel out a mystery or 2 that is eating your team alive. (Thanks to guy) Not to mention the extra damage it could pull off... assuming it can start a combo chain. The First team I'd think is better to actually beat earth mains, Second team is better to beat other teams that pop up, now don't get me wrong both can indeed defeat earth mains, I'd still say the first one will do it better, while still allowing you to kill other teams as well, just maybe not as quick as the second one.
2017-07-24 22:09:16
best line up to beat earth main
Ignition/poison puts a real quick stop to their tankiness/shields.I'd suggest... a team with sasuke, kankuro, and either sakura, karin or shizune. (If kankuro GNW comes to you before too long... put him in place of kankuro ASAP... that ignition + poison is OP af against shields.)EDIT: As person stated above me... fire main + tobi = BADASS especially in version 1. This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-26 08:17
2017-07-24 22:09:16
[Ninja Exam]
help 132
UPDATE: Ladies and gentlemen... it... CAN be done without sage naruto... but you need a massive amount of luck/resets!Ok here is what his team looked like, the moods, what he did etc.Mood: Set them all to + Life, and - ninjutsu. Talents: 1, 1, 2, 3, 2 - Summon: RhinoPower: 55,797 Team: Ningendo (He is a MUST!) - Eight Inner Gate Lee - Earth Mainx - x - x x - x - Iruka Green = Skill useRed = VERY IMPORTANTRound 1: Use iruka to cancel out lightning main, if danzo stops iruka - RESET, with any luck danzo will be under chaos from ningendo's reflect. (NOT necessary for danzo to be controlled here.) Target Sasuke after you hit the lightning main with iruka.Round 2: Wait until you see the status transfer white words come over your mains head THEN hit your mains interrupt skill. (SAVE ningendo's skill for next round... do not use it on sasuke!) Again with any luck danzo or the lightning main will be controlled, but it is NOT necessary. - Everyone on your team should still be alive at the end of this turn!Round 3: Use NINGENDO on Fu. Also use EIGHT INNER GATE LEE's skill. (Preferably before the combo ends from ningendo.)- MAKE SURE THAT Danzo GETS the reflect on him!!!... If it doesn't just reset... I am serious if he doesn't get controlled here you will NOT be able to kill susano sasuke like you need too, and with any luck you will kill him and the lightning main, you ABSOLUTELY want to kill sasuke this round, your earth main will likely die this round, which is the only way to stop sasuke... ergo sasuke MUST die. Round 4: If you are unlucky and Lightning main is still alive, but sasuke is dead, your iruka should still be alive, CANCEL out the lightning main's skill... if you don't you will lose, but if the lightning main died in round 3, you are in REAL good shape to fini* off this round. -I would definitely suggest *ing with LEE 8IG... he proved real helpful with his damage output... putting in guy or regular lee really didn't help him much. This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-22 13:15 This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-22 13:21 This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-22 13:25
2017-07-24 22:07:57
[Ninja Exam]
help 132
Mhm i saw that one, a little... wary of it since he's 64kish in the earth main video, really rather enjoyed using the "casher" videos with the lightning main, but sadly I am stuck on 132... since I too do not have Sage naruto... I am close-ish... but still have a little ways too go sadly.EDIT: A friend will try this (the earth) team later tonight, he has about 5k more power (59k with right team on) than me, but his 8IG Lee isn't awakened all that well, ill let you all know how it goes since he too doesn't have sage naruto... which he has beaten previous NE with some ninjas that weren't fully awakened, granted he does have slightly more power than the casher 'suggested' teams. His iruka, and Asuma wind blade should more than suffice... as he hasn't neglected either of those lol.EDIT 2: For the record I know I wasn't being talked too... but yea... I for one saw the earth main video... definitely can't wait for friend to try it out. This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-21 04:35 This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-21 04:36 This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-21 04:38 This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-21 05:03
2017-07-24 22:07:57
Power recommendations for Exams
Good to see I am not the only one who feels those are... bogus. xD lol.... Seriously though... the rng, and damage these exams are doing to me.... just plain ouch. xDEDIT: At 125... but sheesh was that quite a bit of luck. :XI keep switching up my teams even to try to get past these exam levels... but no dice. Too painful... those crits back on 123... GG. This post was last edited by Slivaf at 2017-5-19 14:51
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:06:36