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2017-07-24 19:10:34
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2017-07-24 21:11:36
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2017-07-24 21:11:36
whats a good nine tails team for water main?
I am Midnight Blade by my second favourite main is Azure Fang so sometimes i go on fox with this team.Ninja boosting U with ur element power is basic for me (later U can draw some rare ninja that boosting depending on other ninja characteristics like group or village that he belongs to) ,so Haku is good choice beside his barrier he also hitting hard ,even if he can't kill but this doesnt matter here, next Suigetsu his standard attack is using water element and he hit twice as a swordsman even if his mystery have longer cooldown his attacks make enough dmg, last one is Kisame he and main are bombing fox with Shark Bomb mystery every turn (thx to only 2 rounds cooldown for this awesome attack) and he is stealing chakra by bomb and by every attack so U always have enough energy to hit. More stars they have ,more U get dmg on fox I have them all now on 4* but working on 1more star for that team , I hope it help U .
2017-07-24 21:12:57
[Strategy Share]
The Final Trial (Chapter 8 plot instance)
U don't need any of these toys, i switched to Earth main first time for this instance (when i was midnight blade their combo's were too much for me)and formed team with Gaara,Kabuto and some debuffing character ,I have Ningendo but U c*ways use someone else with Immobilize or Acupuncture in chase like GNW Neji,Hinata or Shikamaru(but remember to use in chases also ignition or other less dangerous debuff to don't hurt urself by enemy genjutsu mirror if U don't use character with that passive). Oh and I didnt loose anyone but i need a little clone cover for Gaara in the beginning because he was not fully awaken and upgraded. LVL 79. 26K BP This post was last edited by Kadayu at 2016-11-26 02:04
i dont even kno
2018-09-29 03:07:10
[Ninja Profile]
Kisame Hoshigaki - Ninja Discussion
When I switching my main ,I mostly choose water main and when I need team dealing a lot of DMG Kisame is perfect. Yeah its true that he need time (or just chakra) to be trustworthy in his Sword attacks but even beside that 2rounds of Kisame and Main Shark Bomb Jutsu cooldown means U can bomb enemy without any break ,I used him with Tsunade and Hidan (quick healing x3,main neurotoxine can cause stun,tsunade can initiate chaos,kisame acupuncture and stealing chakra) and was pretty effective if didnt fight against some op "pay for win" team. So he is one of my favourite sword users ,and useful ninja
2020-04-16 21:30:53
Midnight Blade (Lighting Main ) Line up
Why warriors killing intent with only 1 sword user? I'd understand with sasuke but you don't use him - strange. Yeah just like Kaigen said ,I used that formation for long time (until I find good ninja instead Kakashi because sadly he was dying pretty fast everytime) ,and I used ANBU Special Assault Tactics to slow down HP loss(yeah kabuto is great but still he using only quick healing so sometimes it was not enough) ,elemental boost is good too (3/4 in team would be boosted so its better choice too) ,and summon on screen is obviously mistake right? U were using Shiba Dog to use Hinata acupuncture in combo ofcourse. Still im jealous that this works good for U on SW Battlefields because until I get Hidan and Tsunade or my only one rare ninja(I have pain Ningendo)I didnt reach top 15 even once XD . If U still wanna use that passive start using at least one more ninja with sword (I now using Kimimaro as a shield work great with Kabuto, most of water swordsmans are also good ,and Hidan with Anbu tactics , draining so much HP when using his mystery that U almost not gonna feel that he sacraficing his hp :D ) ,the choice is Urs its only advice so I hope it maybe gonna help U a little :)
2017-07-24 21:03:07
best line up for LIGHTNING MAIN PLZ
"Best" line - up depends on situation, I can show U most boosted lightening formations but they can become useless against enemy that throwing at U debuffs instead fight with U(for example fire main aka annoying wizard) , I got Fukurokumaru summon with Sasuke Barrier ,Guy boost and Kimimaro as a shield I can kill enemy in 1 combo but Guy is fragile and they are not protected against debuffs so if enemy got 1point more initiative fight ends before its even started... We have advantage in teaming up with sword users (u can be immunue for first two rounds) but even with that first two rounds it will be probably not enough time to break some tough earth main formation or whole time healing water team. So i think "best" doesn't exist for F2P players ,U need whole team of rare monsters to have 1 line up that handling everything like with Pain Tendo etc.
2017-07-24 21:02:58
[Ninja Exam]
How do you beat lvl 86 ninja exam? lighting main
I get through lvl86. Like guys said earlier red puppet isn't immunue to debuff like IGNITE , so I take Sasuke to team, power up with his barrier and lightning main skills give U better dmg and beside fire that Sasuke use in chase i was continously igniting red puppet with help of Sasuke and Guy(I dont have any good fire using ninja like Tobi and rest of this kind like Anko,Jiraya or GNW Kankuro were not upgraded to this fight,thats why I choose a bit harder way.)
2017-07-24 20:56:53
[Ninja Exam]
How do you beat lvl 86 ninja exam? lighting main
All of puppet we ve seen before was immunue to some dmg and weak to other like ninjutsu and taijutsu if I remember correctly ,and U probably like me cant kill the red one of them? I use Sasuke in my first try ,and red puppet actually was dmged but i didnt know by what ,I just guessing but I think only fire based attacks work on him.
2017-07-24 20:56:53
[Strategy Share]
Life Threatening Battle [Lightning Main & Fire Main]
Yes I didn't even try seeing here that this combo take only main and neji if I remember correctly ,but I didnt know If U just wanted to split combos one for interrupting and second to deal more dmg to auto attacked enemy and I was the one who did not understand :P
2017-07-24 21:43:55
[Strategy Share]
Life Threatening Battle [Lightning Main & Fire Main]
Skill setup shown on picture for Midnight Blade actually makes only half of team work in combo, idk maybe I made mistake trying do this same way because it not worked properly ,also tried adviced strategy by Overmain but effect was the same team didnt survived. I did it eventually but i got Pain - Ningendo so my line - up not gonna help many people but I can share it. About instructions ,whole described steps was great help for me but in 2nd turn Hidan mystery dont really need interuption because everytime I tried ,Hidan was killing only clone of my main and more important was to stop Sasori from paralyzing my team and making huge dmg on them. Rest of it was perfect and helped me a lot in passing that Sub Instance , thanks
2017-07-24 21:43:55
Midnight Blade Set-Up Kimi, Sasuke, Guy
Team with great power ,today I pass exam lvl85 (Oro and Manda) with this setup,any other didnt give me enough dmg. But that is all I am not gonna use this as main team because against some fire main wizard throwing at me tons of debuffs I probably dont even end 1 combo ,but maybe U find it more useful . About summon that team works with only 1 gold summon I have (Furukamaru or something,that cat from rich field) so unless U have him I dont think U build long combo using most of chase they have. Main chase I was using: knockdown to low float and summon repulse to highfloat x2.
2017-07-24 20:54:36