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[ Events ] BIG NEWS!SasukePB and ShikamaruM-O will not be released anymore???!!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-13 16:27:55Show All Posts
People should understand with any MMO game, nothing is set in stone.
Things come and go and many things are considered event limited and never show up again.
Those who played the old Runescape should know what i'm talking about.

It will not kill you to miss out on these 2 ninjas. And if you will regret not having them then recharge ingots and buy them now. From 8 pages in this thread, it sounds like f2pers are complaining they worked for part of him and won't have a chance at him anymore. I'm in the same boat as you guys but this game is very fair to f2p'ers and not having this ONE ninja won't kill your game play.

It's nice enough of this staff to give us a heads up on this topic. Thread should be closed tbh, you guys wont pull any internal info out from the company nor should they be held liable to provide such info.

Anyone want to argue against this feel free to come at me. I'll convince you otherwise this is a fair move and it's something I actually WANT to see more of in this game.
Quicky Post

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