2016-12-08 20:27:23
they ran it to problems when updating the game have you never ran in to a problem when doing something
but the impression i get is that they are rushing content that wasnt fully prepared, and that is causing the problems, we are getting 1 new permanent feature every 2 weeks at least, and that is crazy fast, give it at least 1 month or even 2 for that matter.
so they are working non stop in a feature that will then force them to work non stop to fix it, the stress and the fatigue will settle in eventually and that is bad for them and us.
maybe slowing down and test everything more time before implementing wouldnt be such a bad idea.
at this pace the game will not last, because people will get used to have everything given to them fast and when the content is over what then? remember we were at least 2 years behind CN version, but at this pace in 1 year we will be at the same rate, and what then?
players will leave the game because they were used to fast updates and that will stop.
same goes with the attitude towards maintnences, people want it fast because that is what they are used to, if they slowed down maybe not so many people would complain.