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[ Strategy Share ] Tank / Sustain - Is it possible?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-10 10:57:53Show All Posts
  • Eigo On 2016-12-10 09:47:19
  • Oooh. The more I play, the more I learn.

    1) How do interrupts work and do certain ninja do interrupt.

    2) Where should I place Gai (and other interrupt ninja) in the future?

    3) Are certain ninja better in certain areas? My inexperienced self just places the low-health people at the back, haha.

    Thank you for the reply, Eigo.
1) Interrupts can stop an enemy's mystery for that round only (bit similar to acupuncture), and yes, only certain ninja interrupt. It should say in their skills if they can interrupt or not
2) Probably place Guy and other interrupt ninja on move 2
3) Yes, certain ninja are better in certain areas. For instance, Hinata is better at tanking than attacking, while Suigetsu is better for attacking than tanking.
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