Pay To Win Verus Free To Play - Is Naruto Online friendly?
As you play throughout the game you come across these three symbols. From left to right we have Coins, Coupons and Ignots.
Coins are what you get from doing... pretty much anything in-game. Coupons are what you primarily get accompanied with Coins in Events, Going Up the Rank Ladder, among other things like 'Try Your Luck' and this month's 'Monthly Card Pack' And finally, Ignots. They are only available through the exchange of real-life currency.
Now. The question is... Does this game have a paywall, blocking you from being the best? No, not at all. A fine example of this is the amount of Coupons that are handed out to players, and in-turn Naruto Online allows you to substitute Ignots for Coupons for nearly everything, and one such game feature is 'Lucky Board' where you can buy dice for 20 coupons, or 20 Ignots. And each time you pass around the board you unlock a Lucky Box - which can get you a lot of sweet items, such as level 5 upgrades and even fully unlocked Characters.
So, with that... this game is only as pay-wall as you make it out to be in your mind. Sure it isn't as quick or easy if you were to buy Ignots but compared to other games its just a minor hurdle or detour - and as they say, 'if you bump into a hurdle, just jump over it'.
With that said, I do appreciate the occasional quest handing me stamina potions, true life saver - if Naruto Online were money grubbers as a lot say, they wouldn't offer free Stamina Potions out (which I've ac*ulated 6 of so far in 2 days) and have you buy Stamina... leaving me not having the urge to buy Stamina.
I have so much to say in an argument against this as someone who went from being a whale to free-to-play, but I'm gonna hold my tongue since you'll end up figuring it out yourself later down the line.