2016-12-05 20:05:48
Whether you may or may not like it, other servers do need merges.
Refrain from using caps or flaming excessively.
I think people are upset that their server wasn't first to show up. I think this reflects poorly on us the posters here as we should know things do take time and that a lot of servers were put up.
I look at it from a numbers perspective. Is the number of servers merged greater than the number of new servers created? Well yes, and so that to me is going in the right direction.
P.S 138, 135, 132, 129 Would be a great merge. *Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge* But I noticed that the servers being merged are also very close to one another numerically. I noticed that 129 has asked for merges and so I thought 138 would be happy to oblige them but no reason to let 135 and 132 not feel the love. (I am being 87.21991% serious here, why that percent, because I'm feeling whimsy.)
On a less whimsical note; I have a question. Will next week have more server merges on this level of servers being merged?
Thanks for your time.