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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates - Dec 6th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-06 22:13:31Show All Posts
I hope S 51 gets merged soon. At the moment we have three groups in gnw, and one of which stands no chance. The other two groups are generally lopsided as one group contains more p2w but less members. In sage world only 7-9 people per field. It's almost impossible to que into arena, and I feel that the only reason the ninetails dies is because of 6-7 players always being on. If it weren't for them we probably could not kill it. We have also been losing a lot of our higher powered players and I'd just hate to see more leave.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-09 00:18:07Show All Posts
  • Misericordia On 2016-12-08 18:37:44
  • Earlier I saw that my server got suggested to be up for a merge. I would like to suggest that server not to be merged due to the number of things you listed:

    S51 is still able to participate in GNW, Sage World Battlefield is still active, and we can still very easily kill the World Boss with ease, within a 15-20 minute time-span. Even with some of our heavy damage dealers, if they were gone, it would still be believable that we could finish the World Boss, albeit with a longer time.

    I believe other servers are more deserving of a merge (ones that can't START Sage World, or can't even FINISH nine tails).
First off I'd like to say that I strongly disagree with you Misericordia for a few reasons:

The first being that although we are able to participate in sageworld it is only 7-9 people per group. You would know this yourself if you actually showed up to it. Sage is also very one-sided, whatever group Rinnegan is on will win every time, there is no competition.

Yes, we do have three groups in GNW, although one group is an automatic win for the other two. While the other two are similar in power generally the same group always wins and the numbers showing up every week are decreasing. I know for a fact that in your group more than one person runs multiple accounts just to have the numbers. Which I c*so say is the case for Sageworld due to the fact that most of the players there never move and are just farmed.

As for Fox, and I hate to do this but once again, but if you actually showed up to this event; you would know that it is the same people in the top 6 doing almost 50% or higher of overall damage. Which as I stated in my previous post if they did not show up the fox would not die.

I am unsure why you even posted this as you are rarely on except for the weekends for GNW, but I strongly feel we need a merge as our server is starting to die. I see people leaving almost every other day.
Quicky Post

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