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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-03 21:59:21Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To
Client doesn't work

went to browser to try and get into new server 257 on US East, doesn't load, gets to 17% and the file says "flash/register/RegisterPlugin.swf successful"
then stops loading any more files for the flash player to load the game.

Went I go to another server I played on it fully loads, but then goes to black screen and nothing happens for 20minutes then I tried again and now just have that window open seeing if it's a connection to their server issue.

What is going on?

Any tips/tricks to make it load like editing my browsers Appliciation Firewall, computer Firewall, etc, is there an expectiong for Naruto Online that is needed to be added?

Let me know,

Crow Sage.


Now when I try to log-in to another servers it says:

"flash/hud/Wipeoutindicator.swf failed Loading Failure"

how can I make my browser retrive this information?
This post was last edited by CrowSage at 2016-12-3 22:13
Quicky Post

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