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[ Azure Fang ] How does Poison Tai work?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-03 15:55:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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By whose Ninjutsu stat does it go by?
Lets say I have my Animal Path applying poison via Water Main's poison tai . .
Is the poison's strength based off of my Water Main's stat because it is her passive, or is it based on Chikushodo's path because Animal Path applied the poison? :/

And of course, poison tai cannot be applied when enemy has a barrier. . .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-03 16:03:52Show this Author Only
I believe the poison tai just does the damage based off your nin, or it has a certain value of damage that it applies. For example, sailor sakura does her AOE, person might receive 700 damage by the end of the round. Let's say she gets hit several times, would the poison damage do more or stay constant? Something to look for yourself against Kakashi.
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On 2016-12-03 17:11:59Show this Author Only
I'm not water so I can't test.
Simple test is just do a couple fight against kakashi to get the average poison damage
remove only the scroll from the attacking ninja and repeat
remove only the scroll from water main and repeat
remove only the weapon from water main and repeat (if poison is based on the damage dealt, this would be the factor)
and see which one(s) impact the poison damage.

I'd say do 10 runs with each, record the first instance of poison damage in each, and take the average of the 10 for each set for comparison. If your weapon/scroll is of reasonable level, you should be able to tell a difference easily.
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On 2016-12-03 22:55:47Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-03 16:03:52
  • I believe the poison tai just does the damage based off your nin, or it has a certain value of damage that it applies. For example, sailor sakura does her AOE, person might receive 700 damage by the end of the round. Let's say she gets hit several times, would the poison damage do more or stay constant? Something to look for yourself against Kakashi.
i think that both poison and ignition stack the more you apply them on that round, which would increase the damage done at the end of the turn
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On 2016-12-04 01:58:50Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-12-03 22:55:47
  • i think that both poison and ignition stack the more you apply them on that round, which would increase the damage done at the end of the turn
Ignition doesn't stack, though. . .
Or am I wrong? :O
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On 2016-12-04 02:06:39Show this Author Only
  • JustAClone On 2016-12-04 01:58:50
  • Ignition doesn't stack, though. . .
    Or am I wrong? :O
you are right my bad.

what happens is that fire main can amplify that damage and some ninjas like tobi and deidara will do more damage to targets that are already ignited, in deiraras case he will even damage ignited targets that arent the target of his attack.

but to stay on topic i do belive poison does stack, might be wrong though
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On 2016-12-04 02:14:08Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-12-04 02:06:39
  • you are right my bad.

    what happens is that fire main can amplify that damage and some ninjas like tobi and deidara will do more damage to targets that are already ignited, in deiraras case he will even damage ignited targets that arent the target of his attack.

    but to stay on topic i do belive poison does stack, might be wrong though
Poison stacks up to 4 times
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On 2016-12-04 02:22:28Show this Author Only
  • JustAClone On 2016-12-04 01:58:50
  • Ignition doesn't stack, though. . .
    Or am I wrong? :O
Yeah your right just checked ignition debuffs can't stack :Q
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On 2016-12-05 07:38:26Show this Author Only
  • Phoenix Rising On 2016-12-04 02:14:08
  • Poison stacks up to 4 times
Yup. It stacks up to 3000 HP Max dmg

How does Poison Tai work?

I am Azure Fang player from beginning to now.
I think it's best for late game since her team doesn't do "real" nuke like boom the enemy entire team is down.

Anyone who does AOE Tai such as, Tenten, Kimimaro, Ukon, Kidomaru, Kiba, Azuma Wind Blade, Lee Eight Gates and many more. I like Kimimaro the most, personally preference, free to play and easily to upgrade to 5 stars.

Poison Tai does well against Earth Main shield and those immune to cc's i.e. knockdown, High float, low float etc. If your team can't chase the power team will decrease dramatically. Poison and ignite go through shield and kill them slowly inside. If you have enough healing for team, then your team has higher chance of winning.
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On 2016-12-05 07:41:17Show this Author Only
I'm pretty sure Poison Tai's damage is based off of maximum hp that stacks up to 4 times, at a maximum of 3000 damage.
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On 2017-05-06 00:15:11Show this Author Only
poison can stack way higher as 3k max

i've seen it multiple times, dealing damage up to almost 9k damage (around lvl 70-75)

i can ony assume it can be even higher at higher lvl or with boosts like the 25% from shizune
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On 2017-05-06 00:27:00Show this Author Only
TY, 5 Months i been waiting for a Answer for this. There are question that are even older then this, that still need a Answer that i been waiting on

Since u went 5 months back why not try the 8 month old questions that people got stuck on?
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On 2017-05-06 07:56:19Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-12-04 02:06:39
  • you are right my bad.

    what happens is that fire main can amplify that damage and some ninjas like tobi and deidara will do more damage to targets that are already ignited, in deiraras case he will even damage ignited targets that arent the target of his attack.

    but to stay on topic i do belive poison does stack, might be wrong though
Fire main lost the increased damage to ignited targets in 2.0
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On 2017-05-06 19:47:48Show this Author Only
i'm pretty sure poison damage doesn't depend at all on ninjutsu, it's just a flat out 1999 damage per point of stack (so with 4 times you land 7996 damage per round) that gets reduced accordingly to the target's resistance (so the higher the enemy resistance the lower the damage the enemy suffer and that's all that matters for it).
About testing on rich field cat or kakashi clones you just get that 1999 repeated because they have 0 resistance (the picture show the max damage landed by poison by being stacked 4 times).
What i would really wish to know, and that's interesting, is how ninjutsu *ion works on it, because, if really depends only on resistance, then, maybe, that's the only personal stat you can add to a ninja that actually increases that specific damage (in the sense that, by ignoring a part of enemy resistance, actually let him inflict a damage closer to the 1999 cap per point stacked), even if, what i think is that 'poison' isn't considered at all a ninjutsu effect delivered by a specific ninja but simply a debuff added to a target as a secondary effect, so, very likely, not even ninjutsu *ion works on it. This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-6 20:05
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