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[ Other ] *ed. Refund on Ingots?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-02 12:54:05Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To
I was *ed. Somebody logged into my account and used up everything that I had saved up.

It had 1980 ingots and 358 coupons, but when I logged in, I found that someone had come in and spent everything I had. They spent exactly 1517 ingots and 358 coupons. This happened at 11:25 PM EST, December 1, 2016.

I have never told my email or my information to anybody in this game, nor have I even told anybody near me about this.
Would it be possible to obtain a refund on the ingots that were stolen?

I'm sure if you check your database, you can find a record of an IP logging in from somewhere unusual and using up a lot of resources.

Please, I spent so much time and money getting everything and having it all taken at once is extremely frustrating. You don't have to reply right away, but please give this issue some attention.

Please help.

Thank you
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-02 13:13:20Show All Posts
Yeah, they spent it all on seal scrolls.

I was going through survival with my alt account, when I saw my own name flash up and say that I pulled Mifune from the Kage Treasures. I saw that my account had been logged out of, and when I reloaded, everything was gone.

This time-limited shop, for better or for worse, shows me exactly how many ingots they spent, and I remember how many coupons I had.

I'm actually terrified, since nobody should know my password
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On 2016-12-02 16:53:53Show All Posts
Unfortunately, you are probably right. It's unlikely that games give out refunds for stuff like this, but sometimes they do give out a consolation gift.

Plus, it's never bad to ask. I don't know what kind of data Oasis keeps on each person, but I reported the incident almost as soon as it happened, so maybe if they see that this account was logged in from a completely different area/IP, they'll cut me some slack.

And I second everything you said. I'm a pretty quiet individual in-game, but I guess I caught the attention of some ass in some way. Luckily, I do have my account secured, so they couldn't change the password themselves.
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On 2016-12-04 08:26:33Show All Posts
  • †Hashirama Senj On 2016-12-04 04:44:08
  • So who *s a account to help them? Why buy Seal Scrolls when they could sell everything you had for coins, mess up your mags, equipment, etc...

    Sounds to me like you just didnt want Mifune, s*ed your ip to have a case to claim *ing, and here we are.

    BTW Mifune is a fckin beast, be happy.
I don't know why you'd think that.

I'm very happy with Mifune. I'm a lightning main anyway, and I wanted either him or Darui. But I was only a 10 pull short of pulling a rare anyway, so I was planning on waiting for GNW.

I'm almost fully f2p, with this extra cash being a gift from friends and family. Why would I * it all on 10-15 seal scrolls when I could get 40-50 frags of sailor sakura?

Also, I noticed that somebody had logged me out almost right away, since I was on my alt in another tab. The *er may just not have had time.

If it makes you feel better for calling me a liar, Oasis already told me they couldn't do anything and I'd just have to deal with it.
EDIT: Why would even comment anyway? Put yourself in my shoes. You've never told anybody my password, and now you find that somebody, somewhere found access to it. He/She uses up all your coupons/ingots, and you're left paranoid because if they can do it once, they can do it again. You've changed my password, changed the security number and email. Oasis even said they can't help you, so you're just dealing with it.

Then, when I log into the forums, you find some rando accusing you of being a liar and fabricating the whole thing.
This post was last edited by DraconusNex at 2016-12-4 08:35
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-04 08:38:03Show All Posts
  • Isane On 2016-12-04 08:31:22
  • I think you should create a ticket and they will have a look at it for you but "technically" you havent lost anything also its very confusing why would someone * you to just do seal pulls.
I've submitted a ticket and they said that they couldn't help me, and that I should contact the police if I feel my privacy was compromised. So nothing, basically.

I'm also confused. On one hand, I'm angry because it's resources that I'd been saving for a good event *n on Seal scrolls, relieved because it wasn't anything worse, and scared because it could happen again.

The whole thing makes me not want to save up coupons in case this happens again..
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On 2016-12-04 13:33:24Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2016-12-04 11:28:01
  • Lol, can I claim *er and then admit lying to get some ingots?

    All joke aside, dear OP, for me, part of your original post sounded fishy out right. You were "sure" that there would be a questionable ip in the logs, how? Fact is, almost all such *s, if it was a *, is in your region and majority would be in your city. So chances are real *s don't have questionable ip.
I'm sorry I don't know how *ing works? I just assumed that since it wasn't me, it must be somebody from some random place.
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On 2016-12-04 13:36:28Show All Posts
  • †Hashirama Senj On 2016-12-04 11:02:29
  • I think that simply because no *er would ever spend the effort of brute forcing your account in order to pull from Kage Treasure for you.

    There is no benefit to them, It dosent harm you. The whole scenario screams B.S.

    They told you no simply for these reasons.

    Yes, you can say you'd rather have waited til after GNW to pull, but like most people who can't wait you thought you'd try now and see if you get a ninja that would help you in GNW etc.

    Btw next time you try to cry *er, dont simply ask for a refund, you ask for your account to get rolled back 24 hours (or to whatever incremental backup timeframe theyve scheduled)
    You will not get your ignots back and be allowed to keep whatever the "*er" spent them on.

    On another note, if you decide to admit the truth Ill buy you 19.99 worth of ignots.
    This post was last edited by †Hashirama Senj... at 2016-12-3 22:04
1. Noted, if this ever happens again, I guess I'll ask for a rollback.

2. I don't want $20 worth of ingots man. I didn't lie about this.... It looks fishy, even I can see that....

Look, the issue's been resolved. I'm not getting my ingots back, and my account's not being rolled back. I have to live with this *, which happened, I swear.... I don't need everybody to tell me that I'm a liar.
Quicky Post

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