2016-12-01 09:56:37
Will need to see him in action, but his passive looks pretty strong and his mystery can't be interrupted. Similar fashion to Kimmimaro, Choji gets better with healing so might be a solid Strong Approach or similar PvM puzzle ninja. Ino-Shika-Cho isn't a bad lineup anyway, it's just lacking the damage to be really playable in PvP, and the GNW version will help with that a bit. Can see a decent alt-team with fire main for those that haven't got higher end ninjas yet. Might be fun to play around with.
When a skill says that it cannot be interrupted, I'm assuming that Immobile and Acupuncture can still stop it? Lol.
Two good things for me:
New ninja. Yay coupons.
And that heal buff passive looks pretty nice tbh.