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[ News ] Server Maintenance Updates - Nov 24th


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On 2016-11-23 22:22:57Show this Author Only
anything new would be good
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On 2016-11-23 22:54:50Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-23 17:06:06
  • Power does matter yes, but to an extend if people have a unique team, it may just make it harder for the guy with more power. Let's be real though. a 12k difference and 2 guys down? I had the sage naruto/hashi meta so. It's really impressive none the less.
Exactly where i wanted to get, power doesnt garantee a win, but it gives you a 95% chance, if not more, to win even if you misplay a bit. But that is the nature of this games.

Good thing you recognized the person skill and uniqueness, that they made you work for the win, although you still won in the end because you had more power (my point was that power is more important than ninjas to help you win).

This situations always bring to memory the fight with hanzu and the konoha sannin, they became legends although they lost the fight, because the opponent was impressed with their skill and refused to kill them. We in the west arent really used to this concept (for us is more we either win and are worthy or loose and are dispensable) but in Asia is very normal to recognize that people with different starting points can compete and loose and still be worthy.

this is my point, for us weaker players is really good to be recognized by the stronger opponents, but its a bitter sweet situation because we still lost in the end. And i would like to see more players doing what you did, in order to further improve the community.

we really should have more stronger players with that attitude instad of the ones that almost loose and shrug it off saying "Easy win" or something of sorts, which really gets in my nerves.
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On 2016-11-23 23:15:31Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-11-23 22:54:50
  • Exactly where i wanted to get, power doesnt garantee a win, but it gives you a 95% chance, if not more, to win even if you misplay a bit. But that is the nature of this games.

    Good thing you recognized the person skill and uniqueness, that they made you work for the win, although you still won in the end because you had more power (my point was that power is more important than ninjas to help you win).

    This situations always bring to memory the fight with hanzu and the konoha sannin, they became legends although they lost the fight, because the opponent was impressed with their skill and refused to kill them. We in the west arent really used to this concept (for us is more we either win and are worthy or loose and are dispensable) but in Asia is very normal to recognize that people with different starting points can compete and loose and still be worthy.

    this is my point, for us weaker players is really good to be recognized by the stronger opponents, but its a bitter sweet situation because we still lost in the end. And i would like to see more players doing what you did, in order to further improve the community.

    we really should have more stronger players with that attitude instad of the ones that almost loose and shrug it off saying "Easy win" or something of sorts, which really gets in my nerves.
Im raising at least 1 person, and today he almost made me work for my win in a duel ^^ when i used to beat him easily, now he makes me go manual and work for it :D but regardless fighting stronger people aint bad, just a learning curve.
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On 2016-11-23 23:26:59Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-23 23:15:31
  • Im raising at least 1 person, and today he almost made me work for my win in a duel ^^ when i used to beat him easily, now he makes me go manual and work for it :D but regardless fighting stronger people aint bad, just a learning curve.
I never said its bad, it made me a better player for sure.

Just a bitter sweet taste after it because you will still loose most of the time, but when you do get that win its an amazing feeling
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On 2016-11-24 03:23:23Show this Author Only
if you ask me idk about events e_e i care the most about 2.0 update
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On 2016-11-24 03:42:43Show this Author Only
lol anything that rewards seals please
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On 2016-11-24 04:17:43Show this Author Only
Honestly hoping for something new.
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On 2016-11-24 04:50:43Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-23 15:48:50
  • Yeah, I have made some dumb choices and used 60 seals to get Killer Bee and 100 to get AO and Orochimaru. So now I stand with 150 seals, but would have 310. So it conflicts with me, but you know you never know how things turn out, but I was dumb. If we do how Germany does it, which is same thing as CN, the Raikage will be 600-800 seals, and Sasuke Susanoo will be 960+. Best bet probably 1100 or so and you'd get him. Now if I do that I will only get rank 8 battle armor and settle with that power for good. If I just get the Raikage I have to see how much BP I get if I want to go up even higher. Now If I wasn't so dumb in my choices I could of probably had extra ignots for many other things, but no. Thing is power doesn't always mean you'll win. A friend had 30k power vs me with 42k and she took down 2 of my guys. She had more CC and just had a better shot. See? 12k difference and 2 guys out.
Yeah thats true, power is a determining factor but the team and ninja focusing helps as well. I think I will go for Susano'o Sasuke and just hold back on powering up for a while longer. I have 160 seals saved up right now.
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On 2016-11-24 04:54:15Show this Author Only
  • dlp2323 On 2016-11-24 04:50:43
  • Yeah thats true, power is a determining factor but the team and ninja focusing helps as well. I think I will go for Susano'o Sasuke and just hold back on powering up for a while longer. I have 160 seals saved up right now.
Ouch :/ I know the feeling on seals, wish I saved some more and not used it. Sure I got killer Bee but I'd get him anyways lol. I want both Sasuke and rank 9 battle armor, but I really have to see if the battle armor does improve greatly over time. This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2016-11-24 04:55
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On 2016-11-24 05:08:54Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-24 04:54:15
  • Ouch :/ I know the feeling on seals, wish I saved some more and not used it. Sure I got killer Bee but I'd get him anyways lol. I want both Sasuke and rank 9 battle armor, but I really have to see if the battle armor does improve greatly over time. This post was last edited by AkashaMoka at 2016-11-24 04:55
I was thinking of upgrading battle armor instead of going for Susano'o Sasuke, but I'm already at battle armor 6. Magatama's are all 5/6. Inner games are all lvl 5/6. Dunno what else I could improve on besides keep trying to upgrade the above.

Sort of hoping for server merge for my server sometime soon for that sweet ingot rebate event. That way I get a better * for my buck and be able to buy more seals with the coupons obtained, rather than spend more money on ingots.
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On 2016-11-24 05:10:52Show this Author Only
Bii ya will be able to get from Chapter X
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On 2016-11-24 05:13:17Show this Author Only
  • dlp2323 On 2016-11-24 05:08:54
  • I was thinking of upgrading battle armor instead of going for Susano'o Sasuke, but I'm already at battle armor 6. Magatama's are all 5/6. Inner games are all lvl 5/6. Dunno what else I could improve on besides keep trying to upgrade the above.

    Sort of hoping for server merge for my server sometime soon for that sweet ingot rebate event. That way I get a better * for my buck and be able to buy more seals with the coupons obtained, rather than spend more money on ingots.
They only do server merges if your server cannot do the following, no GNW activity less than 2 clans. Sage war, and cannot kill nine tails. If you can do all those they will most likely not merge your server anytime soon.
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On 2016-11-24 05:13:27Show this Author Only
We also need an event for medium thread.
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On 2016-11-24 05:29:03Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-24 05:13:17
  • They only do server merges if your server cannot do the following, no GNW activity less than 2 clans. Sage war, and cannot kill nine tails. If you can do all those they will most likely not merge your server anytime soon.
*, feelsbadman.

Guess I might just go all out when Kage treasures are out.
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On 2016-11-24 06:04:56Show this Author Only
do we know yet what servers are merging with what other servers
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On 2016-11-24 10:16:45Show this Author Only
yo when we getting the update notes
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On 2016-11-24 10:21:04Show this Author Only
At 23 we will
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On 2016-11-24 10:21:18Show this Author Only
  • GOD S1 On 2016-11-24 10:16:45
  • yo when we getting the update notes
Sometime before 23:59 pst.
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On 2016-11-24 10:28:55Show this Author Only
late server MT again on S26. . always like this. . if u guys dont want to START at 10AM u should jst adjust the given time. so we wouldnt be hoping. .
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On 2016-11-24 15:13:42Show this Author Only
It said server maintenance for asia server is from 2:30pm-4pm. So how come, I can log on? it's currently 3:10pm server time
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