I did 115 and 116 as fire main, at around 35-36k power.
Exam 115:

Skill: 3-3-3-2-1 summon - Gamachu/gamaken
Round 1: No mystery.
Round 2: Tobi on jiraya, main seal on wind main. Wait till jiraya recovers chakra and S-naruto tries to use mystery, use Ao to stop hom.
Round 3: Use S-naruto on S-naruto. Jiraya should die here from AoE dmg. As jigokudo tries to revive, main will put him to sleep.
Round 4: Tobi on S-naruto.
Round 5: S-naruto on wind main. This will stop her mystery and S-naruto will either die or have very little health.
From here take down S-naruto with tobi and finish wind main and jigokudo.
Exam 116:

Skill: 3-3-3-2-1 Summon- Gamachu/gamaken
Round 1: Ao on hashirama
Round 2: Tobi on fire main, scarlet seals jigokudo.
Round 3: S-naruto on jiraya
Round 4: Ao on hashirama.
From round 4 and onwards take down hashirama and jigokudo.
*note* - This setup might become easier if scarlet generates clone first, then Ao and sage naruto. See if hashirama combo naruto clone in round 1, that way jiraya won't combo scarlet clone and it might survive. That way Naruto will keep generating clone in front of tobi, protecting him from hashirama's standard attacks.
Hope these helps. These were one of the 'easier' exams since there arn't much rng involved here.