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[ Ninja Exam ] Exam 95 Guide Water F2P team


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-22 13:35:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, I just beat ninja exam 95 as a free to play player here is how.
Level 75+ needed
Power 26500+ you may be able to with a little less
GNW kakuro needed
about 10 or less tries as you need some crits on your shark bomb.

Here is the team I used.
Everyone is awakened and cultivated to lvl 75

Hinata is necessary to survive round 1 and her chase will counter Kurenai debuff mirror when paired with poison tai.
Kankuro is required to apply burning.
water main is needed to apply poison.
Suigetsu can be any ninja with high float to knock down chase or another low float to repulse chase.

Talents I used are here
Full offensive water, no other choice here, better kill fast then heal a little and get hit twice as hard.

The following is a turn by turn guide but the short of it is use all abilities targeting Kakashi then guy your ignite will quickly kill Asuma while that happens

Round 1(Abilities: Hinata Target: Kakashi)
Use Hinata's ability the enemy team can hit her 1 time. If the hit results in a combo retreat. if not you are on your way to win. Also the combo this round must be triggered by kakuro puppet on asuma if anyone else triggers a status effect retreat. The enemies attacks will all go for Hinata this round so make sure she doesn't get hit more than once.

Round 2(Abilities: Azure fang Target: kakashi/guy)
Use shark bomb on kakashi to interupt Kakashi's ability and trigger a critical on Guy if this doesn't happen retreat but should take 2-5 tries. All enemies this turn should be immobile except Kurenai.

Round 3(Abilities: Kankuro/Suigetsu Target: Kakashi)
Kakashi and Asuma will die at the end of this turn but because Kakashi attacks 2 times focusing him is smarter. As long as Hinata does not die this turn you have won.

Round 4 (Abilities: Hinata/Azure Fang Target: Guy)
There should only be Guy and Kurenai alive at this point but the shark bomb will finish anyone else who is somehow still alive.

If the fight lasts longer keep focusing abilities on guy to immobile him Hinata may go down to damage but suits can tank one or two hits and you will still have a pretty good combo without her. I hope you enjoyed this guide the only other water guide I found for this was 2 pains and Hashirama which isn't even close to the price this team is.

This post was last edited by DBest at 2016-11-22 13:36
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-25 02:30:35Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-08 23:31:55
  • Hey would this also work for a Lv 81 player like myself please answer when you can ok?
yes it works at any point after 75 once your ninjas are cultivated enough but 26k+ power is recommended.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-25 02:34:04Show All Posts
  • warlordy On 2017-01-24 01:53:17
  • it worked with normal kankuro just tooked more tries and luck :)
Yes they buffed Poisons damage with the 2.0 update I reckon normal kankuro will work just as well as GNW kankuro worked before. GNW kankuro was Novembers free month ninja so I expect most people have him though.
Quicky Post

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